Email to Lotus customer service Manger - ref colour photos

I was

I felt so passionately about it that I was applying for the Head of Customer Experience role they advertised. It got pulled after a week though and I'm still waiting to see the impact of the new recruit..
Really! Well good for you!! Hopefully they got someone as passionate as you are. Be persistent though; let them know you ARE interested anyways, and even grease the wheels a bit with some ideas to let them know that you want to help them solve their problems, and you've got some great ideas. I've gotten jobs before that were 'already filled' by being persistent.
Production has nothing to do with Customer Experience or Sales resource.
You say they need to improve communication. You know they went so far as to bring four forum members in for feedback. And nothing has been done off the back of it.
Well not yet that we know of. It hasn't been that long since the guys were there. It took Lotus months before they revealed the new configurator, though the time to roll out a decent communication process would be the day the first cars start to roll off the production line. I don't know what their approval cycle is for getting things signed off for release, or who has to do that, but hopefully they don't take too long to get something in place. The curtain is about to go up, and they need to have their act together.
let’s pause for a second and really think about that.

Geely investing 9 figures into a company and the folks in charge of a world-wide road show high lighting the car that has generated the most interest EVER in the brand can’t manage to have an extra of a 6” wide leather disk?

If one went missing, I would expect 6 more in the van traveling with them. If all 6 went missing then 6 would be FEDEX priority overnight to the next location.

But to go the entire show without it when people are being asked to spec cars and never even seeing the actual materials is the kind of management that honestly scares the crap out of me about buying one of these cars.

It’s like a junior high business class is running this.

Production has nothing to do with Customer Experience or Sales resource.
You say they need to improve communication. You know they went so far as to bring four forum members in for feedback. And nothing has been done off the back of it.
In hindsight that now seems like an attempt to silence the more active and vocal members offering constructive criticism.
People were understanding and patient - up until they were told they had to finalise their spec blindly.
HearHear...... said so well..... like I have said before its taking the shine off the purchase. Questioning what the ownership is going to be like. I keep saying this, what Tom said, basicaly they know the messed up, and are not will to change..... Pluss and I know some are going to think this is od..... But with all thats kicked off.... I want to see how China deals with it..... They have signed a packed with Russia ?

Oh just seen China now flexing it power Taiwan
I pray to God China doesn't move on Taiwan. TSMC (Taiwan Semi Conductor) makes most of the worlds chips. If China takes control of that, that would throw the entire world economy into the blender. If China and Russia have signed a pact together, that's almost setting up World War III. Especially if China takes Taiwan, and Russia starts moving in a blitzkrieg fashion towards Europe. Without a focused and coherent U.S., NATO won't be able to stop them, and unfortunately we have a near vegetable in the White House who can't even form a sentence anymore. If any one of you are spiritually inclined, now's a good time to be praying.
In hindsight that now seems like an attempt to silence the more active and vocal members offering constructive criticism.
People were understanding and patient - up until they were told they had to finalise their spec blindly.
Again a more fwd thinking company would have made a massive deal out of this. It's the perfect opportunity to say look we made some mistakes but we are genuinely interested to hear constructive feedback from our customers and this is how seriously we are taking it. Heck I'd have videoed it and posted it if I could have
I don't get this whole discussing... Comms were and still are bad, got it. They are not showing the pictures, but assuming that they are not dumb it might be for a reason. Another thing that some of you have to realize is that this problem only exists for a few hundred people that have to lock in before march. Being one of them I would have preferred better comms and would have liked some actual pictures, but then it would have been even better to see the car live in all it's colors, with and without black pack, in all different interior trims (combined with all the different outside colors of course) and drive all three suspension/tire combinations and so on, so we could continue the complaining game even further. It isn't perfect, it never will be. The configurator is good, the car will be great and I'm happy to be one of the lucky ones to get it quite early. That's what I feel about it and therefore I don't see a reason to complain. All people who get their cars after July can look at pictures, reviews and what not before locking in, so they don't have those problems anyways.
I don't get this whole discussing... Comms were and still are bad, got it. They are not showing the pictures, but assuming that they are not dumb it might be for a reason. Another thing that some of you have to realize is that this problem only exists for a few hundred people that have to lock in before march. Being one of them I would have preferred better comms and would have liked some actual pictures, but then it would have been even better to see the car live in all it's colors, with and without black pack, in all different interior trims (combined with all the different outside colors of course) and drive all three suspension/tire combinations and so on, so we could continue the complaining game even further. It isn't perfect, it never will be. The configurator is good, the car will be great and I'm happy to be one of the lucky ones to get it quite early. That's what I feel about it and therefore I don't see a reason to complain. All people who get their cars after July can look at pictures, reviews and what not before locking in, so they don't have those problems anyways.
Are you not even slightly upset that you haven't even had confirmation of your order and the spec you will recieve in June????
I don't get this whole discussing... Comms were and still are bad, got it. They are not showing the pictures, but assuming that they are not dumb it might be for a reason. Another thing that some of you have to realize is that this problem only exists for a few hundred people that have to lock in before march. Being one of them I would have preferred better comms and would have liked some actual pictures, but then it would have been even better to see the car live in all it's colors, with and without black pack, in all different interior trims (combined with all the different outside colors of course) and drive all three suspension/tire combinations and so on, so we could continue the complaining game even further. It isn't perfect, it never will be. The configurator is good, the car will be great and I'm happy to be one of the lucky ones to get it quite early. That's what I feel about it and therefore I don't see a reason to complain. All people who get their cars after July can look at pictures, reviews and what not before locking in, so they don't have those problems anyways.
The waiting and anticipation should be fun but it’s difficult for customers to enjoy that aspect when they’re not 100% sure they’re getting what they want
Well it is July for me, and of course I only start to believe it when I see the car standing in front of me. Spec is confirmed, so I just hope it will all work out. Nowadays there are too many what ifs to allow me to feel sure about a fixed delivery date. This is not the fault of Lotus however (at least something that isn't their fault ;) ). I just think it's not the time to blame them because of those mistakes. They probably have to deal with worse problems at the moment. There are worse things happening in the world than missing out on showing some pictures. I would just feel a bit stupid at the moment to complain about those kind of things.
Really! Well good for you!! Hopefully they got someone as passionate as you are. Be persistent though; let them know you ARE interested anyways, and even grease the wheels a bit with some ideas to let them know that you want to help them solve their problems, and you've got some great ideas. I've gotten jobs before that were 'already filled' by being persistent.

Actually I see it as exactly the opposite. A company of this size would be the ones to let things like this slip through the cracks. There are more cracks for things to slip through in a big company, than there are for a small company like a sandwich shop.

Write or call them. Tell them what they're doing wrong, and what they need to do to fix it.

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Boy does this put pressure on the highly anticipated March update. It's going to be a high threshold to clear. Enough sustenance for the ravenous?
The waiting and anticipation should be fun but it’s difficult for customers to enjoy that aspect when they’re not 100% sure they’re getting what they want
Considering the waiting list they already have and that continues to build, if you get your car and it's not exactly what you want, you shouldn't have any problem selling it, and probably for more than you paid for it. On the other hand, you may find you actually like it so it's all good. I don't see a downside right now. If the car is as great as I suspect it's going to be, you'll quickly forget about these times the moment you see it, sit in it, and start it up. I fully expect videos of you with a big grin plastered all over your face, driving the most beautiful sports car in its segment, and a few segments above it.

I can't wait to see the videos that are going to be posted by early owners. On the one hand it will be great, and on the other it's going to make it harder to wait for mine to arrive, but we get to be the lucky ones to be a part of this historical occasion.
Considering the waiting list they already have and that continues to build, if you get your car and it's not exactly what you want, you shouldn't have any problem selling it, and probably for more than you paid for it. On the other hand, you may find you actually like it so it's all good. I don't see a downside right now. If the car is as great as I suspect it's going to be, you'll quickly forget about these times the moment you see it, sit in it, and start it up. I fully expect videos of you with a big grin plastered all over your face, driving the most beautiful sports car in its segment, and a few segments above it.

I can't wait to see the videos that are going to be posted by early owners. On the one hand it will be great, and on the other it's going to make it harder to wait for mine to arrive, but we get to be the lucky ones to be a part of this historical occasion.
I agree I expect that to be the case on collection/delivery.
The issue at hand is lotus - by design - are ruining the lead up and anticipation.
Yes, I could sell it but I’d have wasted a year waiting.
Can’t imagine anyone waiting this long for their dream car and then realising they’d have preferred a different colour. Kinda takes the shine off it all.
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let’s pause for a second and really think about that.

Geely investing 9 figures into a company and the folks in charge of a world-wide road show high lighting the car that has generated the most interest EVER in the brand can’t manage to have an extra of a 6” wide leather disk?
Yes, it's exactly that level of amateur. As we've all said many times, there is no attempt to walk in their customers' shoes.

For some of the roadshows they also forgot to recharge the battery packs between events, so couldn't run the dash, interior or power to the seats so people could adjust them to try out the driving position. This is basic stuff.
I've watched every video that's been released; more than once in many cases, and listening to Scott Walker, Russell or Gavan speak doesn't give me the impression they're clueless inexperienced rubes. The interviews I've seen with Matt doesn't give me the impression he's clueless. In fact, the one impression I get from every interview with anyone is how much the people involved care about the quality of what they're doing. Seeing over 90 stickies on different parts of the interior mock-up tells me they're looking at every little detail. Gavan saying that Goodyear had to provide him with 80 different tire compound sets of just the rear tires before he was satisfied with the performance, tells me he's not only detail focused, but also highly skilled at how to setup the performance of a chassis. He knows what needs to be changed in order to get what he wants. That's a deep well of experience and knowledge at work. As far as design? All you have to do is look at the car... aces.

Consider this however... that same kind of attitude is at work creating and building our cars. Their new configurator is probably at least 95-98% close to what the car will look like out in the wild. That's close enough to choose a color combo. Are they doing everything perfect right now, or even so far? No. I would be truly shocked if they were. It does appear however, that they are obsessing over the one thing that's the most important; the Emira itself. They want to deliver a great car, both in performance and in quality. That's going to be an important factor in the press reviews, which we'll be seeing here shortly. March is only 5 days away.
It's very clear they care hugely about quality, from design through procurement and build and QA. They know they need to step up and address previous concerns on that. And everyone is very committed to quality and creating a great car. I have no doubt it will be great to drive, a nice place to sit and well made.

But there is still a massive lack of appreciation of customers, and consideration of the customer experience and the overall customer lifecycle. The direct channel has been and still is woefully inadequate in handling what customers want at a very basic level, never mind a premium or differentiated experience. The relationship with the dealers is broken and ineffective.

Brilliant design and quality manufacturing aren't enough to sell cars if your customer acquisition and pre-delivery care (and we have to fear also the likely post-delivery service) is this bad. If I wasn't a loyal Lotus fan with a confidence in the greatness of the car and a 25-year relationship with a dealer 30 minutes away I'd have cancelled months ago.

Yes you can complain, yes you can not be happy about something, yes you can have an opinion about it, but once you've said your piece, enough. The same few keep going on and on, and working themselves up into a fizz over it all. That's not helping anything, nor is it improving anyone's experience, including those complaining. Write to the people in charge. Their names and emails are on the Lotus website.
It's the numerous broken promises and changes of approach that are becoming increasingly frustrating. Three examples:
  • We were told there would be photos "soon" in October and "soon" continued until December when it became "January", then in January it became "we'll do a better configurator and the photos will be in March - probably or we might change our minds again".
  • UK V6 FE deposit holders were told in Oct/Nov at time of second deposit they would be able to make changes up until 3rd deposit in January and would have further details (including the photos) before then. People were then contacted in December (early - yay!) to be told no 3rd deposit, spec already locked in and changes would result in a delay to delivery and no pictures. The people contacted in Jan and Feb were also given very limited new info (new configurator) and in some cases given less than 24 hours to make changes.
  • Other UK depositors were told in Oct they would be contacted in Jan about next stage of the process for i4 FE and Base Editions. They have still not been contacted, despite me reminding the three senior Lotus people responsible for this on 21 Jan and them saying they would act on it and contact this sub-group.
As you know, I did write to, speak to and meet the "people in charge" about these and many other points of feedback. I'm still waiting to see any improvement.

I'm not fooled by how a business should be run. I am however, able to recognize start-up issues for what's essentially a new company, with new everything including a new car.
It's not a start-up business. All the design and development capability is current and has existed for decades. The production and QA stuff is modern but not unfamiliar. The other part they needed to address was the customer experience, where they hired people in - not just a Head of Customer Experience but teams of people in sales, marketing, PR, comms, customer service. They are part of the Geely group and have access to all kinds of expertise, not just technical. I know for example they are drawing on Volvo UK capability for some customer lifecycle stuff.

And then they go and make a splash about hiring Simon Lane from Aston Martin to head up the "bespoke " business when they haven't even got the "basic" business of customer care sorted.

Maybe that's their style, I don't know, but you can be sure that by now, they're well aware of all the complaints. All someone from China had to do was make a sketch of something they saw at a Type 132 preview, and within hours they were contacted by Lotus and politely asked to take it down, so they're watching.
They are not only watching, they asked for feedback from four of us (4 pages from me) and had feedback from the Customer Care team about issues they couldn't handle. Apart from inviting us to the factory to talk about it, what have they done to act on that or improve the customer experience in the 5 weeks since we were there? From my perspective the answer is literally nothing.
In hindsight that now seems like an attempt to silence the more active and vocal members offering constructive criticism.
People were understanding and patient - up until they were told they had to finalise their spec blindly.
I don't think it was intended to silence us. It was to show us behind the scenes so we would be reassured they were making good progress, and to talk about where they were up to and what they were doing so we had a better appreciation of the Lotus perspective on things. That was fine. There were only a couple of things I saw/heard that I was asked not to share.

I wasn't asked to scale back or alter my comments online. I also made it clear I had no intention of allowing the visit to be mis-construed as me being a Lotus insider or getting any kind of preferential treatment to gain my support. We offered to be part of some Lotus-led comms about our being there but they declined.

I don't get this whole discussing... Comms were and still are bad, got it. They are not showing the pictures, but assuming that they are not dumb it might be for a reason. Another thing that some of you have to realize is that this problem only exists for a few hundred people that have to lock in before march. ........ All people who get their cars after July can look at pictures, reviews and what not before locking in, so they don't have those problems anyways.
It's the mis-steps, broken promises and absence of customer care that are frustrating and affecting a growing group of people. Those of us with very early deposits accepted we would have to commit based on very limited info - but info we were promised didn't appear and we found out too late that we couldn't make changes when we'd been told we could. It was expected this would affect a few hundred people - the ones with deliveries in the first 1-2 months. But it actually affects the first 6 months of production, two-thirds of 2022 deliveries and over 1,500 people. And on top of that add the mess of US allocations and mark ups plus the lack of info to dealers in other countries.

I'm looking forward to getting the car but I'm disappointed that people are getting such a poor experience when it didn't need to be like this. I can cope with things still being "old Lotus" in several areas but this is such a huge missed opportunity for what would have been a small level of effort.
Considering the waiting list they already have and that continues to build, if you get your car and it's not exactly what you want, you shouldn't have any problem selling it, and probably for more than you paid for it. On the other hand, you may find you actually like it so it's all good. I don't see a downside right now.
I hope you're right. But what if you ordered Magma and then when you see the cars you wish you'd chosen Nimbus? Sell the car and join the back of the queue? Drive the Magma and be disgruntled that it isn't the colour you wanted? Ask for a change before delivery and be told your car will now arrive in the winter and you'll have to buy another car in the interim? Cancel your order before delivery?

If Lotus really appreciated the things people are (quite reasonably) anxious or concerned about, they would be easily able to address them. I gave them a list in January to add to the lists they already had from the Customer Care team.
Lotus are up against well established brands for our money. I'm bought into Lotus simply due to the looks of the car and the promise/premise of a great handling car and so made a deposit early.

The way I view it is that we are evangelists for the Emira and Lotus brand. If we can't see 6 photos then what hope is there for when cars roll off the line with problems.

As an evangelist I couldn't and wouldn't recommend the buying experience to date.
I hope you're right. But what if you ordered Magma and then when you see the cars you wish you'd chosen Nimbus? Sell the car and join the back of the queue? Drive the Magma and be disgruntled that it isn't the colour you wanted? Ask for a change before delivery and be told your car will now arrive in the winter and you'll have to buy another car in the interim? Cancel your order before delivery?

If Lotus really appreciated the things people are (quite reasonably) anxious or concerned about, they would be easily able to address them. I gave them a list in January to add to the lists they already had from the Customer Care team.
Regardless of it being “for the drivers” - the demand is essentially a direct result of how the Emira looks - and that’s why it’s so important customers are confident and happy with what they’re getting, aesthetically.

Otherwise we’d all have evoras
Regardless of it being “for the drivers” - the demand is essentially a direct result of how the Emira looks - and that’s why it’s so important customers are confident and happy with what they’re getting, aesthetically.

Otherwise we’d all have evoras
I drive an Evora GT and I may or may not be offended 😩😁

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