Emira i4 with 509hp/633Nm

More than ten were known from our little owner circle and I suspect more are in the wild. Not fuel quality related, most owners pump BP 98ron, and since dealers replaced it for owners who do not mod, its obvious a product defection.

I’m no mechanic but is it possible defective injectors could be responsible for the cold start problem so many of us have?
Can any OBD tools be used to permanently clear and stop the CEL from coming on?
Can clear the codes with an OBD tool, but in my experience, they come back. The milltek should prevent new codes being thrown, at least that’s what I’m told. Not fitted mine yet, will pick it up when I next visit the UK.
Yes V6 manual with the well documented cold start issues.

Frankly it’s hard to believe Lotus haven’t solved them yet.

WTF are they actually doing there?
If you ever tour the factory you will find it quite funny on one hand they seem to care about quality control and the steps taking place via production, but on the other hand you will see parts sitting around on the yard with nobody attend to, and quite frequent quality issues.
Can clear the codes with an OBD tool, but in my experience, they come back. The milltek should prevent new codes being thrown, at least that’s what I’m told. Not fitted mine yet, will pick it up when I next visit the UK.
Hard to say, we have a suspicion that the design of the exhaust compartment might play a major role in it.

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