State farm quoted me $12k per year haha.Got my initial quote from State Farm for $118 a month with 500/500 deductible. I haven't had a claim in 55 years of driving, so I'm going to request an increase to $1,000 deductible for collision. Collision is 67% of the total cost of the coverage. If I can get that lowered by say $25 a month, I'll put that in a savings account. After 20 months that will equal the $500 difference of the deductible. After that, it'll grow by $25 a month. Another 20 months and I'll have the entire $1,000 deductible in savings, and growing.
I think back and if I had only half the money in a savings account that I've payed insurance companies for the last 55 years for nothing (no claims), I'd probably be a multi-millionaire by now just from that alone.
Grundy is $1641 per year for the Emira and my Golf R32.
Maybe it's Georgia. I know insurance is typically expensive here.