I'd appreciate and feedback on a handling 'issue' which may or may not be resolved by a geo setup.
I've had the car 4 weeks and am enjoying it immensely. The ride (touring chassis) is great but I have the feeling that the steering is a bit 'wayward'. It is particularly apparent on bumpy roads which we are blessed with in the UK. It feels like the car is constantly being deflected off line and needs a lot of input to correct.
I test drove an Emira on the sport chassis with Cup2s and can't remember the same issue although it did tramline quite a bit. I've had the geo checked at Lotus Silverstone and it is on standard settings. Anyone noticed this particular characteristic of the Emira? Any recommendations about dialling it out with a non-standard geo setup?
I've had an Elise S2 for 11 years and also had an Exige S2 for a few years so am used to a lot of feedback and a lively drive. I seem to remember the Exige being a bit of a handful on a bumpy road but greatly improved after a geo.