Emiras advertised for sale on other sites

Another on auto trader… appears to be black 🤣

How many UK deliveries do we think there has been already vs How many Emira's anticipated to go for sale?
Last update I saw was 25 delivered and there is now 3 on sale so that’s over 10%.
Depending on how the next hour goes, there could be a lot of summer 23 delivery people getting calls tomorrow with the offer of earlier delivery.
I’d say it’s around 10% being sold

There’s 3 to perhaps 5 for sale / sold, and I assume we’re now at 40 plus delivered cars, as it was 25 a couple of weeks ago
Last update I saw was 25 delivered and there is now 3 on sale so that’s over 10%.
Depending on how the next hour goes, there could be a lot of summer 23 delivery people getting calls tomorrow with the offer of earlier delivery.
This I think is a safe bet.... and yes, I am on the 15-20% train. 10% is what I originally thought, but the UK has been allocated more than I originally thought they would.
Last update I saw was 25 delivered and there is now 3 on sale so that’s over 10%.
Depending on how the next hour goes, there could be a lot of summer 23 delivery people getting calls tomorrow with the offer of earlier delivery.

I’ll be cancelling if this flops… didn’t like the test drive but thought I’d take delivery and see if it grew on me… not prepared to risk cash on that outcome though!
really, is it normal for manufacturers to get involved to keep prices high? curious
normal....no. Would they have a strong vested interest in this selling for a high price.... Yes, very very much so.

Ferrari would certainly be bidding up it's cars lol.

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