Emiras advertised for sale on other sites

Well, there are several factors at play and welcome to Sunday morning ranting..

Its not a 2 year wait list for a v6 FE manual, and never has been (although we can round it up and I have done so myself), its been about 65 weeks at one point, so thats about 1.3 years. With parts issues being sorted one week then unsorted the next, its impossible to know the reality!
They are still probably not on 2 shifts and no where near capacity, so that wait list could come down if they got their crap together, which after 12 months, I cant see happening any time soon.
Due to several factors, everyone knows about... perceived and actual quality ("teething" issues and suppliers used), reputations are hard to change, interest rates, inflation costs, depression / recession. The cars current order book and future order book will suffer IMO, a great deal, so that wait time will fall drastically, again if they get their crap together and make the cars fast enough.
Reviews have not been great, like it or lump it. Yes you can cling on to hope and you can side with Harry, who knows a lot, but he does not represent the "younger" "cooler" buyer and he wants a GT car if anything. The reality of Harry is that he is as romantic as me (perhaps) and he is happy to have a lotus that is "up to date", gorgeous, and "reliable", that is his objective with this car and that is NOT the objective for many buyers! Many buyers expect it to be an Evora, but better in every way as the Evora is a xx year old car, and its simply not! Its not as the engine is tuned down, the gear box, apart from harry's polished one, seems to be the same, seats are worse? Noise is worse (porsche get away with it..before you say it), it feels slow compared to its competitors, its not as a visceral "experience" driving it IMO.
Autocar just had best sports car introduced in 2022 review of 11 CARS, the EMIRA WAS NOT EVEN MENTIONED.... guess which car won it, above toyotas, ferraris, Morgans etc, yes a PORSCHE.
Bringing me to my final point, and again await the bruce willis die hards attack, but L O T U S is not PORSCHE and never will be I am afraid. And for some thats fine, they dont want it to be and I totally agree. However, my point is that LOTUS will probably always take the cheaper road to success, they are chinese owned and the word chinese is not synonymous with quality for cars in peoples minds as of YET. They dont have and wont have for years, the quality, investment, research, development and following that PORSCHE has and without that, their cars will not fetch crazy overs long term and by the looks of it, even short term.
I am still surprised the first 10 cars are not selling for at least 10/15k over, but part of the problem is that there are now exactly that, 9/10 cars out there and thats about 20 damn % of the cars on the UK roads; this does NOT help. I still say these are not people who bought them with the intention of flipping, it's for all the factors above they are selling and that in itself is a BAD sign. It indicates to those not on here and maybe those who are on here, that people are not happy with the car/their purchase/their experience and hence, why would others want to take on the mantle and especially pay more?

(Here comes my obligatory attack from the side of me that is disappointed with LOTUS..)
So a car without Porsches following, technologically behind the competition and no doubt slower around a track than a comparable porsche (time will tell when someone does a GTS test vs the Emira V6, but my money is on the GTS), a car sold in vast numbers, not a limited FE run at all, which is what should have happened!, a car that looks great until you peal back the skin a little and see some down sides: a slapped on cheap copy ipad inside, luggage space way behind its competitor, seat options... none existent, one size fits all (but it really doesnt), even harry not happy with the water running onto the engine (maybe its not technically an issue, but its looks as if they could not engineer a solution and thats not encouraging), a bad FM antenna issue not solved in 15 years, a diluted engine noise, a red line lower than my ex's cleavage, and by all accounts, an aged engine thats "out of puff by about 6000 revs".
Overall, and yes I repeat myself, its a romantic alternative to the porsche, but its NOT a GT product from them and neither is the GTS in reality, and that doesnt fetch overs, so why should this. It should yes for the first 10 or so...... but so many things against it, not least the time of year :)

Most of those cars do not have manuals so they fall to the bottom of my list. GtS optioned is well over $ 200 if you can get one. On top of that the GTS is the same boring 911 design. Most of the other complaints are just personal Opinions. I for one think the seats are great🤷‍♂️ Clutch no issue, and car shifted awesome. People complaining about flat steering wheel effecting how they drive. Have you ever seen F1 steering wheel or Tesla yolk🤪Not to speak for you but if you are having so much mental mind F*** you probably are right when you say the car is not for you. Like a beautiful women you can enjoy her for what she is or you can nit pick her and never be happy. It appears you might like to nit pick so good luck being happy👍
A few points, I’m not defending lotus but you are just looking for negativity period.
not to be argumentative but the inevitable, come back, with you in a nice shade of green :)

1. You can’t benchmark a car that costs almost twice as much as the emira (GTS), that’s nonsense period.
Nonsense??? In no country in the world is this true. In the UK the only real price we have is the FE V6, 79-83k on the road with some extras, but nothing OTT as nothing OTT is available, ie no bucket seats, no 360 cameras etc etc. The Cayman GTS manual with some leather and what have you is 100% the same price or even cheaper! remember, you DONT HAVE TO SPEC IT UP, in which case its about 10k cheaper than the EMIRA... so how is this nonsense?
In other EU markets, including Spain, the Cayman GT4 is virtually the same price as the FE emira, that is DANGEROUS, only being saved by the fact that you can order an emira, in general, but you cant order a GT4 in general..
SO not sure where the nonsense comes from here, but I hesitate to say its not on my side (maybe you are thinking 911 GTS which I did not mention and that is a way better car in every wayyyy and I would take it in a heart arythmia )

2. “Car of the year” reviews aren’t always “fair” as you put different car categories against each other which kinda loses the point (come on a BRZ, M240, DBX, morgan and more, what the hell are they comparing ?) and they will never be able to cover all the cars, where is the M cars where is the RS cars where are the AMGs and lambos ? where is the alpine ? Why weren’t all of them mentioned ? Because they couldn’t get a hold of them all period, not because they aren’t worth mentioning.

This is a "BRAND NEW" Lotus, the first one in 15 years?? and Autocar dont even put it into their 11 cars of the year.... Say what you will, the RS is not a new car, any BMW M is not a new car in the same way that the lotus is a whole new MODEL. So its a bit disappointing imo that the Lotus is not there and I question myself as to whether it was not autocar, but LOTUS that did not want it there.... who knows? If it came 10th out of 11 cars and I think thats where it would have come based on other reviews, and not my negativity, then this would have BEEN FATAL for the EMIRA, so I think they did not want this and conspiracy theory number 243, they did not let them have the car.

3. Yeah the drivetrain maybe old but why are you or anyone is surprised ? Anyone who though or considered or wanted to buy it knew what he was getting, it’s like buying a BRZ/Miata and acting surprised it has 200hp, or getting a huracan and being surprised every other supercar is faster than yours 🤦🏽‍♂️
It’s a supercharged v6, yeah it has 400hp but it “only” has 317 torque, supercharged cars will always be less efficient, the 911 has 450, the Supra had 500, the 400z has 475, of course they will accelerate faster and they will feel much faster how are you surprised ?

I understand what you are saying and no, I am not as surprised as most, BUT am a bit surprised to be honest, while I understand your point. First new Lotus in 15 years and they use the same engine on the V6 with LESS HP, and yes I understand the reasons, but the result is what I am talking about, not the reasons for it. Could they really not have found another V6 engine supplier during the last 2 3 4 5 years when they have been thinking about doing this car? But in their half defence, they have AMG coming later. I believe they could and should have done something better than the V6 yes.... Its like the new vantage coming out with a v6 from honda or something, a let down....

4. I barely know any car manufacturer that’s working properly nowadays, so cut them some slack, a year-1.5 years as more than reasonable for a new car with preorders ffs. I have 3 cars on order and all of them have a 1 year waiting list (Audi and Porsche) and those are cars that are in production, 911 waiting time are a year plus with no guarantee on options and you praise Porsche. No doubt if lotus were more clear with their customers it would have been nicer but it’s never easy and not always doable.
many people will be waiting an awful lot longer than 1.5 years. I ordered longer ago than that and others will be much closer to 2 years and again, I know the reasons, and I dont think I mentioned this 1 -1.5 years as an actual problem. If you read my post, I said they will probably reduce it, IF they get their crap together.... I would actually prefer them not too as it will perhaps, PERHAPS help values on the used market..if lead times stay long, but in reality, the car needs to be a winner at the same time and reviews are not heading that way, but it will still keep most happy, maybe even including myself * I am playing devils advocate as I have no other role here. And yes, they could have been clearer and still could.... CS has been awful and other companies I have ordered with during this time have been WAY better, caterham, porsche and hyundai included in them, even Toyota for heaven sake.

6. Lotus is a small growing company, it’s not an easy task, sorry but anyone who put down a deposit should have taken it into account, you people should learn a thing or two from the “TESLA FANBOYS” that imo have the worst experience (years of delays, worst QC and PDI, really bad quality imo, and least amount of options on a car (with highest margin of profit)) yet they are the pleased or at least not complaining all day everyday so they could enjoy it once it arrives. Look at all the fools that ordered the cyber truck and roadster lol.
Again, not sure what this has to do with my post, but go to youtube and see if what you say is true. It is FULL FULLLLL of people complaining about TESLA. By far the outstanding feature of TESLAS is the charging infrastructure and the software info entertainment of the car, they got this 99% spot on and this is what saves them from imploding and will keep them strong for years to come as other companies are a joke in comparison. LOTUS does not have anything to fall back on apart from their name and the good looks of the car and neither of these will save them IF the car is not a winner in people's eyes. Im not saying it isn't and what I say means bugger all, time will decide this, not me, not lotus die hards who are already looking at their alternatives, not Harry Met, or Shmickey mouse, the overall feeling will come out within the next 6 months and that will decide is the Emira is a success.

5. IMHO I don’t think anyone with this approach will ever be able to enjoy the car, but hopefully you will and everyone else as well.
Im very fickle, Ive driven the car already and it did not WOW me and never will no, thats right and many feel the same way, especially when comparing it to unrealistic and stupidly more expensive and advanced cars, but this is normal in a way. I would enjoy the looks, and the looks of others (people lie when they say they dont care about this.....they do!), I would enjoy the fact I am helping LOtUS and the UK economy, as thanks to these brexit xxxxx wits, we really need it. Why is it that so many brexit voters have foreign made cars when the UK is SO much better off on its own? pathetic... I voted remain and have had more UK cars in the last 5 years than anyone I know, even shmitty. I may enjoy it more if the gear box becomes as good as Harry's supposedly is, or if I remove a CAT and say to hell with the environment, peoples lungs and remove all 3.. haha and then it sounds the way it should. If the software got updated and I could see hm/hr in BIG LETTERS (NUMBERS)....
I WANT TO LOVE THIS car ... but its really 40/60 you are right..

Sorry, but my friend cancelled lunch plans so I had time to spare... :)
Most of those cars do not have manuals so they fall to the bottom of my list. GtS optioned is well over $ 200 if you can get one. On top of that the GTS is the same boring 911 design. Most of the other complaints are just personal Opinions. I for one think the seats are great🤷‍♂️ Clutch no issue, and car shifted awesome. People complaining about flat steering wheel effecting how they drive. Have you ever seen F1 steering wheel or Tesla yolk🤪Not to speak for you but if you are having so much mental mind F*** you probably are right when you say the car is not for you. Like a beautiful women you can enjoy her for what she is or you can nit pick her and never be happy. It appears you might like to nit pick so good luck being happy👍
I do love a good nit pick yes.... and I do also wish for good luck being happy.. haha
A few points, I’m not defending lotus but you are just looking for negativity period.
1. You can’t benchmark a car that costs almost twice as much as the emira (GTS), that’s nonsense period.
2. “Car of the year” reviews aren’t always “fair” as you put different car categories against each other which kinda loses the point (come on a BRZ, M240, DBX, morgan and more, what the hell are they comparing ?) and they will never be able to cover all the cars, where is the M cars where is the RS cars where are the AMGs and lambos ? where is the alpine ? Why weren’t all of them mentioned ? Because they couldn’t get a hold of them all period, not because they aren’t worth mentioning.
3. Yeah the drivetrain maybe old but why are you or anyone is surprised ? Anyone who though or considered or wanted to buy it knew what he was getting, it’s like buying a BRZ/Miata and acting surprised it has 200hp, or getting a huracan and being surprised every other supercar is faster than yours 🤦🏽‍♂️
It’s a supercharged v6, yeah it has 400hp but it “only” has 317 torque, supercharged cars will always be less efficient, the 911 has 450, the Supra had 500, the 400z has 475, of course they will accelerate faster and they will feel much faster how are you surprised ?
4. I barely know any car manufacturer that’s working properly nowadays, so cut them some slack, a year-1.5 years as more than reasonable for a new car with preorders ffs. I have 3 cars on order and all of them have a 1 year waiting list (Audi and Porsche) and those are cars that are in production, 911 waiting time are a year plus with no guarantee on options and you praise Porsche. No doubt if lotus were more clear with their customers it would have been nicer but it’s never easy and not always doable.
6. Lotus is a small growing company, it’s not an easy task, sorry but anyone who put down a deposit should have taken it into account, you people should learn a thing or two from the “TESLA FANBOYS” that imo have the worst experience (years of delays, worst QC and PDI, really bad quality imo, and least amount of options on a car (with highest margin of profit)) yet they are the pleased or at least not complaining all day everyday so they could enjoy it once it arrives. Look at all the fools that ordered the cyber truck and roadster lol.
5. IMHO I don’t think anyone with this approach will ever be able to enjoy the car, but hopefully you will and everyone else as well.
Is there a double trophy award?
not to be argumentative but the inevitable, come back, with you in a nice shade of green :)

1. You can’t benchmark a car that costs almost twice as much as the emira (GTS), that’s nonsense period.
Nonsense??? In no country in the world is this true. In the UK the only real price we have is the FE V6, 79-83k on the road with some extras, but nothing OTT as nothing OTT is available, ie no bucket seats, no 360 cameras etc etc. The Cayman GTS manual with some leather and what have you is 100% the same price or even cheaper! remember, you DONT HAVE TO SPEC IT UP, in which case its about 10k cheaper than the EMIRA... so how is this nonsense?
In other EU markets, including Spain, the Cayman GT4 is virtually the same price as the FE emira, that is DANGEROUS, only being saved by the fact that you can order an emira, in general, but you cant order a GT4 in general..
SO not sure where the nonsense comes from here, but I hesitate to say its not on my side (maybe you are thinking 911 GTS which I did not mention and that is a way better car in every wayyyy and I would take it in a heart arythmia )

2. “Car of the year” reviews aren’t always “fair” as you put different car categories against each other which kinda loses the point (come on a BRZ, M240, DBX, morgan and more, what the hell are they comparing ?) and they will never be able to cover all the cars, where is the M cars where is the RS cars where are the AMGs and lambos ? where is the alpine ? Why weren’t all of them mentioned ? Because they couldn’t get a hold of them all period, not because they aren’t worth mentioning.

This is a "BRAND NEW" Lotus, the first one in 15 years?? and Autocar dont even put it into their 11 cars of the year.... Say what you will, the RS is not a new car, any BMW M is not a new car in the same way that the lotus is a whole new MODEL. So its a bit disappointing imo that the Lotus is not there and I question myself as to whether it was not autocar, but LOTUS that did not want it there.... who knows? If it came 10th out of 11 cars and I think thats where it would have come based on other reviews, and not my negativity, then this would have BEEN FATAL for the EMIRA, so I think they did not want this and conspiracy theory number 243, they did not let them have the car.

3. Yeah the drivetrain maybe old but why are you or anyone is surprised ? Anyone who though or considered or wanted to buy it knew what he was getting, it’s like buying a BRZ/Miata and acting surprised it has 200hp, or getting a huracan and being surprised every other supercar is faster than yours 🤦🏽‍♂️
It’s a supercharged v6, yeah it has 400hp but it “only” has 317 torque, supercharged cars will always be less efficient, the 911 has 450, the Supra had 500, the 400z has 475, of course they will accelerate faster and they will feel much faster how are you surprised ?

I understand what you are saying and no, I am not as surprised as most, BUT am a bit surprised to be honest, while I understand your point. First new Lotus in 15 years and they use the same engine on the V6 with LESS HP, and yes I understand the reasons, but the result is what I am talking about, not the reasons for it. Could they really not have found another V6 engine supplier during the last 2 3 4 5 years when they have been thinking about doing this car? But in their half defence, they have AMG coming later. I believe they could and should have done something better than the V6 yes.... Its like the new vantage coming out with a v6 from honda or something, a let down....

4. I barely know any car manufacturer that’s working properly nowadays, so cut them some slack, a year-1.5 years as more than reasonable for a new car with preorders ffs. I have 3 cars on order and all of them have a 1 year waiting list (Audi and Porsche) and those are cars that are in production, 911 waiting time are a year plus with no guarantee on options and you praise Porsche. No doubt if lotus were more clear with their customers it would have been nicer but it’s never easy and not always doable.
many people will be waiting an awful lot longer than 1.5 years. I ordered longer ago than that and others will be much closer to 2 years and again, I know the reasons, and I dont think I mentioned this 1 -1.5 years as an actual problem. If you read my post, I said they will probably reduce it, IF they get their crap together.... I would actually prefer them not too as it will perhaps, PERHAPS help values on the used market..if lead times stay long, but in reality, the car needs to be a winner at the same time and reviews are not heading that way, but it will still keep most happy, maybe even including myself * I am playing devils advocate as I have no other role here. And yes, they could have been clearer and still could.... CS has been awful and other companies I have ordered with during this time have been WAY better, caterham, porsche and hyundai included in them, even Toyota for heaven sake.

6. Lotus is a small growing company, it’s not an easy task, sorry but anyone who put down a deposit should have taken it into account, you people should learn a thing or two from the “TESLA FANBOYS” that imo have the worst experience (years of delays, worst QC and PDI, really bad quality imo, and least amount of options on a car (with highest margin of profit)) yet they are the pleased or at least not complaining all day everyday so they could enjoy it once it arrives. Look at all the fools that ordered the cyber truck and roadster lol.
Again, not sure what this has to do with my post, but go to youtube and see if what you say is true. It is FULL FULLLLL of people complaining about TESLA. By far the outstanding feature of TESLAS is the charging infrastructure and the software info entertainment of the car, they got this 99% spot on and this is what saves them from imploding and will keep them strong for years to come as other companies are a joke in comparison. LOTUS does not have anything to fall back on apart from their name and the good looks of the car and neither of these will save them IF the car is not a winner in people's eyes. Im not saying it isn't and what I say means bugger all, time will decide this, not me, not lotus die hards who are already looking at their alternatives, not Harry Met, or Shmickey mouse, the overall feeling will come out within the next 6 months and that will decide is the Emira is a success.

5. IMHO I don’t think anyone with this approach will ever be able to enjoy the car, but hopefully you will and everyone else as well.
Im very fickle, Ive driven the car already and it did not WOW me and never will no, thats right and many feel the same way, especially when comparing it to unrealistic and stupidly more expensive and advanced cars, but this is normal in a way. I would enjoy the looks, and the looks of others (people lie when they say they dont care about this.....they do!), I would enjoy the fact I am helping LOtUS and the UK economy, as thanks to these brexit xxxxx wits, we really need it. Why is it that so many brexit voters have foreign made cars when the UK is SO much better off on its own? pathetic... I voted remain and have had more UK cars in the last 5 years than anyone I know, even shmitty. I may enjoy it more if the gear box becomes as good as Harry's supposedly is, or if I remove a CAT and say to hell with the environment, peoples lungs and remove all 3.. haha and then it sounds the way it should. If the software got updated and I could see hm/hr in BIG LETTERS (NUMBERS)....
I WANT TO LOVE THIS car ... but its really 40/60 you are right..

Sorry, but my friend cancelled lunch plans so I had time to spare... :)
@emiraspain would it be possible to produce a tldr version of your long posts? We know you have the time.
@emiraspain would it be possible to produce a tldr version of your long posts? We know you have the time.
Its true...famous quote:
sorry for the long letter, I didnt have time to make it shorter..
I hate editing... if I didnt, I would have 5 books published on amazon instead of 3
Can you share the titles of the books? I'm guessing "How to focus on the negatives 101" or "Stop seeing the bright side of things"? 😉
Its true...famous quote:
sorry for the long letter, I didnt have time to make it shorter..
I hate editing... if I didnt, I would have 5 books published on amazon instead of 3
Can you share the titles of the books? I'm guessing "How to focus on the negatives 101" or "Stop seeing the bright side of things"? 😉
Good guesses, but as a finance guy, you have to be careful when guessing and do a bit more research haha

Letterham 1 and 2...

Not negative at all, romantic and fantasy..... very much Lotus like... :)
Prices tumbling already… blue car reduced to 88k

Doesn’t bode well for residuals when there’s a 1.5 yr waiting list and only 6 actual cars for sale…. They will be at list by Spring … which I’m sure the oracle @emiraspain has probably already told us 😂

Prices tumbling already… blue car reduced to 88k

Doesn’t bode well for residuals when there’s a 1.5 yr waiting list and only 6 actual cars for sale…. They will be at list by Spring … which I’m sure the oracle @emiraspain has probably already told us 😂

Just up the road from where I work, some great roads close by as well so could be my best chance of a good test drive given the alternative offered from Lotus Bradford.
Just up the road from where I work, some great roads close by as well so could be my best chance of a good test drive given the alternative offered from Lotus Bradford.
Very much doubt that the garage will be allowing test rides - they will be wanting to sell with only delivery mileage
Very much doubt that the garage will be allowing test rides - they will be wanting to sell with only delivery mileage
You are probably right but surely that makes the job of selling it even harder especially given not many folk have test driven one before.

That said I bought my SLK55 without ever having driven one and a friend of mine has bought about 4 cars without ever test driving them.
Well here is one in the flesh for $99.995 GBP
which equates to $121,415 USD
Lotus Emira
  • 2022
  • 1 miles
  • 3.5 ltr
  • Manual
  • Petrol
not to be argumentative but the inevitable, come back, with you in a nice shade of green :)
Appreciate your comment, I haven’t found the time to answer everything, once I have the time I’ll get back to it :)
FYI you had some fair points
Appreciate your comment, I haven’t found the time to answer everything, once I have the time I’ll get back to it :)
FYI you had some fair points
thats nice, and dont worry..... most of my points are generally not valid, but i make them anyway.... helps the time pass for the coffin dodgers on here :)

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