First Edition vs Base Spec

My FE v6 mt is locked but I’m curious too. If the books are closed on v6 mt FE, production moves to i4 FE, and if the UK lotus website is anything to go by v6 deliveries won’t commence again until 2026. That just seems like a big gap.
I believe v6 Auto Trans is in production rest of this year, leading up to 14.
Yes, it'll make v6 MT scarce for a bit.
My FE v6 mt is locked but I’m curious too. If the books are closed on v6 mt FE, production moves to i4 FE, and if the UK lotus website is anything to go by v6 deliveries won’t commence again until 2026. That just seems like a big gap.
My dealer said the V6 will get stopped for good by the end of this year. Who knows if that’s correct but I guess the i4 will have a longer shelf life for emissions and it will be more efficient manufacturing one drive train.
No, V6 manual will still be available which you can build from the base edition but V6 production will probably end before 2028 though since Toyota have retired it from all their model line.
My dealer said the V6 will get stopped for good by the end of this year. Who knows if that’s correct but I guess the i4 will have a longer shelf life for emissions and it will be more efficient manufacturing one drive train.
I heard they'll stop V6 auto FE production to start i4 FE's then resume V6 Base cars. Unfortunate the factory or it's dealer's can't give us constant answer.
Business 101, communication with your customers is key.
It seems the take rate on sports suspension in Canada is significantly higher than in the US. I wonder why?
id imagine its because if you buy an emira in canada its your 2nd or 3rd car. since its not a daily no need for touring suspension
id imagine its because if you buy an emira in canada its your 2nd or 3rd car. since its not a daily no need for touring suspension
That makes sense. The take rate on manuals is significantly higher in Canada as well. Having a car that’s only usable 6 months a year skews more towards enthusiasts. That and our old people tend to move to Florida.

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