On the YouTube page, there are over 400+ comments and 99% of them are positive. This is good to see, and good for Lotus.
I really enjoyed this video. There were a lot of interesting views of things I will never see otherwise. When you look at the complexity of what's under the skin, it's amazing all the little cuts, shapes, and routing that has to take place to fit everything under the body. Designing the body is the easy part.
Harry is right about the suspension part; anybody who knows what they're doing should be able to adjust the caster, camber and toe-in/toe-out to get the steering and handling characteristics they want, if the factory settings aren't to their liking.
It was also interesting and not surprising that Matt said they want to follow order sequence, and are working to get on that schedule, but thus far have been building the cars they can build as the parts come in. Makes sense. You could clearly see he was frustrated with everything in his manner and body language, but not giving up. 2022 is a done deal, and he's working on setting things up to make 2023 be much closer to what they want for production.
Harry said in the comments section of his video on YouTube, that Matt told him off-camera that they're hiring about 30 people a week and putting them through the training process to get the second shift up and running. This costs money, so it's clear that Geely is still behind them 100% which is also good to see. Just need to get past all these bumps in the production road.