Emira Fan
Remember how Obama had to bail them out after the financial crisis...This whole thread is very interesting. It Got me thinking: Is there a safe car company? Most of us already purchased and love our Emiras. Many EV companies are burning way too much cash. The big US automakers are stepping back from EVs a little, but not totally, and their hybrid plans are ambiguous. Being risk-averse is understandable. It's just not a lot of fun when I buy a luxury good. I expect to lose money.
I do take issue with the "Super Car" trope. In most cases, I have seen It's the driver not the car. My original Evora dealer said it best (it was a Lamborghini dealer) Lotus is the most fun car to drive in California because your can get to 3rd gear with out going to jail. I have seen more wrecked C7 and C8's in my small town than I have seen any lotus in person.
It's a personal choice for me. It comes down to the simplest of things: 3 pedals.