I4 Delivery Date USA/Canada Updates

dealer emailed me saying my I4 goes into production in September. I have to reconfirm my order with him this week. my original deposit was July 17, 2021, lol! Spec: Atlantis Blue, Touring, red interior, Alcantara wheel with red marker, red calipers, silver wheels, privacy glass, HomeLink.
As a follow up, I just heard from my dealer, I am to call him on July 15th and he should have all information on my projected build and delivery dates. Said he would have the information on the 15th because that is when Lotus closes the monthly book on allocations and I am first on the dealer's list. Fingers crossed..
Curious, did you get a update from your dealer on July 15 ?
Curious, did you get a update from your dealer on July 15 ?
Finally spoke with my dealer - my i4 order is in, will finalize production in Sept., delivery Oct./Nov. (no date on production start)

He did confirm the Lotus order books close on the 20th of the month.

I asked model year and he confirmed it will be 2024, he sent me the confirmation of the order acceptance, but it's not listed with a model year.

I also asked about the news of the i4 being delivered to the US with 400hp, and he said he had not heard of that change. So, I relayed the reputations of @kitkat and @Wiz33 - including their confirmation, not sure that got me far (no offense). So I let him know other dealers were confirming too, and of course the "we have the Emira with the new 400 horsepower, two-litre turbocharged engine." statement from the 2024 Goodwood interview included in the below article.

Long story, I'm just happy to be only a few months out now..
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Finally spoke with my dealer - my i4 order is in, will finalize production in Sept., delivery Oct./Nov. (no date on production start)

He did confirm the Lotus order books close on the 20th of the month.

I asked model year and he confirmed it will be 2024, he sent me the confirmation of the order acceptance, but it's not listed with a model year.

I also asked about the news of the i4 being delivered to the US with 400hp, and he said he had not heard of that change. So, I relayed the reputations of @kitkat and @Wiz33 - including their confirmation, not sure that go me far (no offense). So I let him know other dealers were confirming too, and of course the "we have the Emira with the new 400 horsepower, two-litre turbocharged engine." statement from the 2024 Goodwood interview included in the below article.

Long story, I'm just happy to be only a few months out now..
I'm working on my i4 order (switched from v6). Was given similar timelines. But holding out for MY 2025. Did your dealer say when the switch would happen?
I'm working on my i4 order (switched from v6). Was given similar timelines. But holding out for MY 2025. Did your dealer say when the switch would happen?
Any change to the 2025 worth waiting for ?
I'm working on my i4 order (switched from v6). Was given similar timelines. But holding out for MY 2025. Did your dealer say when the switch would happen?
He did not - just that Lotus indicated it would be a 2024 model.
No one knows unfortunately
Agree anyones guess on what the Base configurator will offer. I imagine they're holding off 2025's until all the I4 FE's are ordered. That would make sense to have First Editions versions (MT, Auto and I4) all as 2024's.
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I imagine they're holding off 2025's until all the I4 FE's are ordered. That would make sense to have all First Editions models 2024's. Like you said, anyones guess on what the base configuration will offer.
That is the sense I’m getting is that the FE is tied to the model your 2024 no matter when it’s produced. So I wonder if they don’t sell all the first editions in 2024 are they going to continue to produce the first edition in year 2025 and still call it a 2024 model.? That would be odd. I hope that’s not the case.
That is the sense I’m getting is that the FE is tied to the model your 2024 no matter when it’s produced. So I wonder if they don’t sell all the first editions in 2024 are they going to continue to produce the first edition in year 2025 and still call it a 2024 model.? That would be odd. I hope that’s not the case.
I believe the order banks on all FE'S will be permanently closed after the I4'S FE order bank closes. Probably why they took down the FE V6 configurator already. Which is why dealers saying Base configurator should go live in a month. It'll interesting to see what the Base configurator will look like. I have to give you credit for holding out for a MY25, my patience level is to short. Lol
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Finally spoke with my dealer - my i4 order is in, will finalize production in Sept., delivery Oct./Nov. (no date on production start)

He did confirm the Lotus order books close on the 20th of the month.

I asked model year and he confirmed it will be 2024, he sent me the confirmation of the order acceptance, but it's not listed with a model year.

I also asked about the news of the i4 being delivered to the US with 400hp, and he said he had not heard of that change. So, I relayed the reputations of @kitkat and @Wiz33 - including their confirmation, not sure that got me far (no offense). So I let him know other dealers were confirming too, and of course the "we have the Emira with the new 400 horsepower, two-litre turbocharged engine." statement from the 2024 Goodwood interview included in the below article.

Long story, I'm just happy to be only a few months out now..
Got this email from Lotus. Should be all the confirmation they need:


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I believe the order banks on all FE'S will be permanently closed after the I4'S FE order bank closes. Probably why they took down the FE V6 configurator already. Which is why dealers saying Base configurator should go live in a month. It'll interesting to see what the Base configurator will look like. I have to give you credit for holding out for a MY25, my patience level is to short. Lol
LOL thx! Yeah but my patience is not indefinite. If the MY 2025 i4's are going to be pushed out after the base V6, I'm probably going to go a different car. Seems like the FE are only going to be MY 2024, and the base i4 will come out likely after base v6 so it may be another year...who knows. As usual Lotus communications are lacking.
Received a surprise message from my dealer that there's an allocation for me now. I placed my order and got my order acceptance confirmation this past Friday. I asked about timelines and was informed that production is slated for Sept/Oct with cars expected to arrive in January.
Received a surprise message from my dealer that there's an allocation for me now. I placed my order and got my order acceptance confirmation this past Friday. I asked about timelines and was informed that production is slated for Sept/Oct with cars expected to arrive in January.
Congratulations, sounds like Lotus was able to hand out extra I4's. I believe Lotus of Naples Fl and Lotus New London Ct were advertising extra I4 allocations if anyone is interested.
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Received a surprise message from my dealer that there's an allocation for me now. I placed my order and got my order acceptance confirmation this past Friday. I asked about timelines and was informed that production is slated for Sept/Oct with cars expected to arrive in January.
Awesome. Did your dealer say if it will be a 2024 or 2025?
Awesome. Did your dealer say if it will be a 2024 or 2025?
No, nor did I ask.
I see this question often but unclear why it matters - practically speaking - aside from trying to piece together a timeline that's unstable and predictably unpredictable.
No, nor did I ask.
I see this question often but unclear why it matters - practically speaking - aside from trying to piece together a timeline that's unstable and predictably unpredictable.
MY24 or MY25 won't matter to most. If you trade your cars in every couple of years, a newer year will fetch a few bucks more on a trade in value. With the Emira being brand new and limited allocations I think your fortunate to lock one down and like you said it really doesn't matter. My guess is your dealer got you in on the tail end of the US I4 FE allocations and most likely a 2024. We'll probably see 2025's when the base configurator goes live. Congrats again on your allocation.
MY24 or MY25 won't matter to most. If you trade your cars in every couple of years, a newer year will fetch a few bucks more on a trade in value. With the Emira being brand new and limited allocations I think your fortunate to lock one down and like you said it really doesn't matter. My guess is your dealer got you in on the tail end of the US I4 FE allocations and most likely a 2024. We'll probably see 2025's when the base configurator goes live. Congrats again on your allocation.
Appreciate the response and elaboration, and thanks!

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