Tricky. I'd be happy with the Spyder til end of days.I’m in a bit of a spot regarding my reservation. Technically being late to the party, not placing reservation until March, an FE was always off the table but I was given a high degree of confidence I would be able to place an order for a Base car in early to mid 2023 so I placed my reservation with Naples.
That’s where things started to go a bit off the rails. I have never been given a firm, “you are number xxx on the list”. It’s always, “your in the 170ish range.”. The excuse being each salesman only has visibility to their reservation book. I didn’t press it considering a lot will change between March 2022 and mid 2023 when I would be expecting to actually place my order.
Fast forward a few months and now I’m faced with a bit of a conundrum. The market for my current ride, a 2021 718 Spyder has gone nuts. I can place it on consignment at my Porsche dealer and they are confident I can net at least a $30,000 profit over what I paid for it back in Feb 2021. I figured I wouldn’t need to cross this bridge until next year but how long will the Porsche market last? Kind of a bird in the hand thing…..
The conundrum is I’m losing faith that my dealer is being forthcoming and I will see a car in the timeframe they sucked me into the deal with. Until the Emira hit the scene I was content that the Spyder was my end game sports car (I’m old). I typically keep my modern Porsches for at least 5 - 7 years and I don’t see anything better on the horizon in the sub $150k space. So, I sell what is arguably one of the best mid engine ICE sports cars ever built on the hope I can replace it with a suitable ICE vehicle for less than a king’s ransom. Decisions decisions…….
I guess either sell now and bank the money whilst you find out what's going on with the Emira. Or keep and maybe lose a few k but still be way over list in 12 months. Even if you sell you can probably buy back into a Spyder for same money or less next year