I'm out - the cancellations thread

[Moderator - Removed paragraph commenting on off-topic posts above. These are now dealt with.]

I would say from a business point of view, with the model Lotus have chosen of releasing the first car with everything on it, it would be a terrible idea to let people change to the base edition and I certainly would not allow it if I were them. Imagine, people found out the Kef sound system is pretty awful and the seats are at best average, why then are we paying 15-17k extra for them?? Obviously at that point, many MANY people including myself would love to swap to a base edition and save this money, by getting none electric seats, maybe more comfy, and a normal stereo, which cant be much worse.

However, again, from Lotus's point of view, the cash cow of the FE would fall apart and there would be so many people switching their whole profit model would collapse. Hence, is it so hard to understand that they cant let anyone change, as if they let one person change, be they legacy, be they newby, be they polite and never bother anyone, or someone who calls CS every 2nd day, it would potentially lead to hundreds of requests to change. Bad business practise.... you're in or you're out (I dont know where I am, but one rule for one and another for others is good with me :)).
Finally, I guess 10% of people who have ordered an Emira are on here or have passed through here, maybe 2 3 or even 5% are regularly on here. And if you weren't on here, you would have far less of a sounding board to shout at and not many would listen to you. Hence, your complaints (and mine) would fall on deaf ears, your wife could not give a xxxx, just as the upper management and head of lotus CS dont. This would possibly mean that in many cases you just accept the delays and lack of communication and await your car patiently, or CANCEL.... But without all the crap flowing through here, perhaps there is less likelihood of cancelling? Here is a place for anger and frustration to fester... and it makes it worse. Its like going to prison... you meet more bloody criminals, worse than yourself.. haha
I estimate, from this forum quite a few will / have cancelled, be interesting to know the actual number... maybe not more than 10-15% in reality and perhaps as low as 5%? Away from here perhaps there are even less cancellations, or maybe more now with interest rates..... Just saying, being on here I think its more likely you will be OUT..... but I dont think you can be in and out, have your cake and eat it. Speaking of which, my italian neighbour, cross fit champion (female) brought me some cake from her local home town...if anyone wants it, there is almond essence present and if there is one thing I dislike more than the yaris GR and Alpine, its almond essence :).
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Oh, the dilemma.

I've been on this journey since the launch at Goodwood 2021 - when stocks were sky high, interest rates were rock bottom and everyone was on cloud-nine after emerging from the doomsday of Covid. Life was good and the sun was beating down on that Seneca Blue Emira sitting on the 'headline' Lotus stand with a price tag 'starting from £59,995.

I was 'all in' from the minute I saw it and hastily placed my deposit whilst cursing my better half for not wanting to come on the first day of Goodwood, as I knew I'd now already be in a queue of other earlier depositors.

TIme moved on and the excitement grew in anticipation that I would own this stunning car by late summer 2022.

We then got the figures for the FE, and at £75k I had to swallow hard to accept my unrealistic hope that it might have been closer to £69,995. But hey, an extra £5k on finance is no problem, I thought, because that would only be a few quid extra.

Then we get the on the road price....ahh that suddenly makes the car £3k more and yet again you're too deep into the journey to bail.

Fast forward a bit and suddenly you get the eagerly awaited call that you're one of the lucky few to 'lock in' your spec for the much anticipated production of your car and suddenly the cost goes out of the window again. After all, you're lucky to be getting it because they are sold 2 years into the future.

From memory, the 'lock in' timeline gave you a matter of days to confirm your binding spec and another £3k to show your willingness to proceed, but hey, it's just exciting to be on the home straight, right?

Spec gets locked in and I choose the launch spec, almost to the final nut because no one has even seen any of the other colours and I don't want to balls it up and choose the wrong one!

Promises then come and go that we'll see different colours and that we can all believe that Magma looks just like the burnt orange, or bright red, or tri-colour Alfa red on the configurator, and so on, but I still want this car as much as when I first saw it.

Friends are now asking me if I'm really buying a Lotus and 'why isn't it here by now?' But I dismiss it and explain that it's coming soon!

Goodwood 2022 then reignites the flame as I can finally see the Emira in different colours and I'm happy that I chose the Seneca blue but a quick visit to the stand host reveals that due to 'production delays' by car will now not be with me until November 2022

I'm still buzzing at this point, even if I was a bit annoyed by the delay.

Despite the costs spiralling and the dates shifting, the world starts to become a different place and suddenly the investments that were doing well, are now not, and the word on the street is that a recession is coming.

More promises come and go from Lotus, more delays, more increases in interest rates come thick and fast and I haven't even driven the car yet!

Finally, I get a test drive. It's at Rybook in Bristol and I'm the first person to drive the car. I instantly fall in love with it when I see it again and all my doubts and and reservations are abated. I can't wait for to get my full 45-60 mins behind the wheel, even though it's touring spec and not my ordered sport setup - Rybrook were great and very helpful but it's the first time I've had a test drive where I was sat in the passenger seat for the first 5-10 minutes, but who cares as long as I enjoy the drive when I get my turn? Well, when I got my turn, the test route was terrible. Start off from a pub carpark straight onto a a road full of speed bumps and then basically an A road and a motorway back to the dealer, all in about 20-25 mins. Wow!

The car didn't disappoint at all and, although it was tour spec which was a bit soft for me, I gave it a glowing review and because I'm not a quitter and I actually tried to gleam the best out of the route (in my head) to convince myself that 18 months of waiting was not wasted.

More time passes and more delays. Reviews are so-so, people are getting fed up with the ever moving goal posts and I've also cross shopped other cars as 'I'm not going another summer without a nice car to enjoy.'

And here we are now. TomE has basically declared that he might cancel the order and never buy a Lotus again, people are waiting at home for deliveries that don't even turn up, Emiraspain sold out for a small £6k profit 😂, die hard early-depositors are dropping like flys, about 10-15% of the delivered UK cars are on the market or have been re-sold and we're hearing about seat belts failing on the first day amongst other unacceptable 'teething issues'

So for me, I'm not out yet but it's just the wind stopping the door from closing behind me at this point.

I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues.

I may be hooked again by Wednesday once I've taken another sniff of the Lotus drug, so watch this space....
Oh, the dilemma.

I've been on this journey since the launch at Goodwood 2021 - when stocks were sky high, interest rates were rock bottom and everyone was on cloud-nine after emerging from the doomsday of Covid. Life was good and the sun was beating down on that Seneca Blue Emira sitting on the 'headline' Lotus stand with a price tag 'starting from £59,995.

I was 'all in' from the minute I saw it and hastily placed my deposit whilst cursing my better half for not wanting to come on the first day of Goodwood, as I knew I'd now already be in a queue of other earlier depositors.

TIme moved on and the excitement grew in anticipation that I would own this stunning car by late summer 2022.

We then got the figures for the FE, and at £75k I had to swallow hard to accept my unrealistic hope that it might have been closer to £69,995. But hey, an extra £5k on finance is no problem, I thought, because that would only be a few quid extra.

Then we get the on the road price....ahh that suddenly makes the car £3k more and yet again you're too deep into the journey to bail.

Fast forward a bit and suddenly you get the eagerly awaited call that you're one of the lucky few to 'lock in' your spec for the much anticipated production of your car and suddenly the cost goes out of the window again. After all, you're lucky to be getting it because they are sold 2 years into the future.

From memory, the 'lock in' timeline gave you a matter of days to confirm your binding spec and another £3k to show your willingness to proceed, but hey, it's just exciting to be on the home straight, right?

Spec gets locked in and I choose the launch spec, almost to the final nut because no one has even seen any of the other colours and I don't want to balls it up and choose the wrong one!

Promises then come and go that we'll see different colours and that we can all believe that Magma looks just like the burnt orange, or bright red, or tri-colour Alfa red on the configurator, and so on, but I still want this car as much as when I first saw it.

Friends are now asking me if I'm really buying a Lotus and 'why isn't it here by now?' But I dismiss it and explain that it's coming soon!

Goodwood 2022 then reignites the flame as I can finally see the Emira in different colours and I'm happy that I chose the Seneca blue but a quick visit to the stand host reveals that due to 'production delays' by car will now not be with me until November 2022

I'm still buzzing at this point, even if I was a bit annoyed by the delay.

Despite the costs spiralling and the dates shifting, the world starts to become a different place and suddenly the investments that were doing well, are now not, and the word on the street is that a recession is coming.

More promises come and go from Lotus, more delays, more increases in interest rates come thick and fast and I haven't even driven the car yet!

Finally, I get a test drive. It's at Rybook in Bristol and I'm the first person to drive the car. I instantly fall in love with it when I see it again and all my doubts and and reservations are abated. I can't wait for to get my full 45-60 mins behind the wheel, even though it's touring spec and not my ordered sport setup - Rybrook were great and very helpful but it's the first time I've had a test drive where I was sat in the passenger seat for the first 5-10 minutes, but who cares as long as I enjoy the drive when I get my turn? Well, when I got my turn, the test route was terrible. Start off from a pub carpark straight onto a a road full of speed bumps and then basically an A road and a motorway back to the dealer, all in about 20-25 mins. Wow!

The car didn't disappoint at all and, although it was tour spec which was a bit soft for me, I gave it a glowing review and because I'm not a quitter and I actually tried to gleam the best out of the route (in my head) to convince myself that 18 months of waiting was not wasted.

More time passes and more delays. Reviews are so-so, people are getting fed up with the ever moving goal posts and I've also cross shopped other cars as 'I'm not going another summer without a nice car to enjoy.'

And here we are now. TomE has basically declared that he might cancel the order and never buy a Lotus again, people are waiting at home for deliveries that don't even turn up, Emiraspain sold out for a small £6k profit 😂, die hard early-depositors are dropping like flys, about 10-15% of the delivered UK cars are on the market or have been re-sold and we're hearing about seat belts failing on the first day amongst other unacceptable 'teething issues'

So for me, I'm not out yet but it's just the wind stopping the door from closing behind me at this point.

I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues.

I may be hooked again by Wednesday once I've taken another sniff of the Lotus drug, so watch this space....

Your not the only one that is back and forth on this EMIRA. I believe the majority are and even two of the biggest early cheerleaders like TomE and Evotion (which bike Youtube) have lost a great amount of enthusiasm. Evotion even ended up getting a preowned Ferrari to hold him over.

Patience is a virtue. Those who don't drop out will be rewarded.
Your not the only one that is back and forth on this EMIRA. I believe the majority are and even two of the biggest early cheerleaders like TomE and Evotion (which bike Youtube) have lost a great amount of enthusiasm. Evotion ended up getting a preowned Ferrari to hold him over)
This ^ - If you look at the top ten forum posters, I believe 5 of them are out.
Oh, the dilemma.

I've been on this journey since the launch at Goodwood 2021 - when stocks were sky high, interest rates were rock bottom and everyone was on cloud-nine after emerging from the doomsday of Covid. Life was good and the sun was beating down on that Seneca Blue Emira sitting on the 'headline' Lotus stand with a price tag 'starting from £59,995.

I was 'all in' from the minute I saw it and hastily placed my deposit whilst cursing my better half for not wanting to come on the first day of Goodwood, as I knew I'd now already be in a queue of other earlier depositors.

TIme moved on and the excitement grew in anticipation that I would own this stunning car by late summer 2022.

We then got the figures for the FE, and at £75k I had to swallow hard to accept my unrealistic hope that it might have been closer to £69,995. But hey, an extra £5k on finance is no problem, I thought, because that would only be a few quid extra.

Then we get the on the road price....ahh that suddenly makes the car £3k more and yet again you're too deep into the journey to bail.

Fast forward a bit and suddenly you get the eagerly awaited call that you're one of the lucky few to 'lock in' your spec for the much anticipated production of your car and suddenly the cost goes out of the window again. After all, you're lucky to be getting it because they are sold 2 years into the future.

From memory, the 'lock in' timeline gave you a matter of days to confirm your binding spec and another £3k to show your willingness to proceed, but hey, it's just exciting to be on the home straight, right?

Spec gets locked in and I choose the launch spec, almost to the final nut because no one has even seen any of the other colours and I don't want to balls it up and choose the wrong one!

Promises then come and go that we'll see different colours and that we can all believe that Magma looks just like the burnt orange, or bright red, or tri-colour Alfa red on the configurator, and so on, but I still want this car as much as when I first saw it.

Friends are now asking me if I'm really buying a Lotus and 'why isn't it here by now?' But I dismiss it and explain that it's coming soon!

Goodwood 2022 then reignites the flame as I can finally see the Emira in different colours and I'm happy that I chose the Seneca blue but a quick visit to the stand host reveals that due to 'production delays' by car will now not be with me until November 2022

I'm still buzzing at this point, even if I was a bit annoyed by the delay.

Despite the costs spiralling and the dates shifting, the world starts to become a different place and suddenly the investments that were doing well, are now not, and the word on the street is that a recession is coming.

More promises come and go from Lotus, more delays, more increases in interest rates come thick and fast and I haven't even driven the car yet!

Finally, I get a test drive. It's at Rybook in Bristol and I'm the first person to drive the car. I instantly fall in love with it when I see it again and all my doubts and and reservations are abated. I can't wait for to get my full 45-60 mins behind the wheel, even though it's touring spec and not my ordered sport setup - Rybrook were great and very helpful but it's the first time I've had a test drive where I was sat in the passenger seat for the first 5-10 minutes, but who cares as long as I enjoy the drive when I get my turn? Well, when I got my turn, the test route was terrible. Start off from a pub carpark straight onto a a road full of speed bumps and then basically an A road and a motorway back to the dealer, all in about 20-25 mins. Wow!

The car didn't disappoint at all and, although it was tour spec which was a bit soft for me, I gave it a glowing review and because I'm not a quitter and I actually tried to gleam the best out of the route (in my head) to convince myself that 18 months of waiting was not wasted.

More time passes and more delays. Reviews are so-so, people are getting fed up with the ever moving goal posts and I've also cross shopped other cars as 'I'm not going another summer without a nice car to enjoy.'

And here we are now. TomE has basically declared that he might cancel the order and never buy a Lotus again, people are waiting at home for deliveries that don't even turn up, Emiraspain sold out for a small £6k profit 😂, die hard early-depositors are dropping like flys, about 10-15% of the delivered UK cars are on the market or have been re-sold and we're hearing about seat belts failing on the first day amongst other unacceptable 'teething issues'

So for me, I'm not out yet but it's just the wind stopping the door from closing behind me at this point.

I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues.

I may be hooked again by Wednesday once I've taken another sniff of the Lotus drug, so watch this space....
I couldn’t have said this better myself, “Brilliant”

I’m exactly the same, I won’t go another summer without a nice car.
Hi folks, we were veering off-topic again.

To keep this large thread focused, I've moved most recent posts into the "Lotus Communications" thread where we can deliberate our experiences with Lotus Customer Care and comms in general.
Oh, the dilemma.

I've been on this journey since the launch at Goodwood 2021 - when stocks were sky high, interest rates were rock bottom and everyone was on cloud-nine after emerging from the doomsday of Covid. Life was good and the sun was beating down on that Seneca Blue Emira sitting on the 'headline' Lotus stand with a price tag 'starting from £59,995.

I was 'all in' from the minute I saw it and hastily placed my deposit whilst cursing my better half for not wanting to come on the first day of Goodwood, as I knew I'd now already be in a queue of other earlier depositors.

TIme moved on and the excitement grew in anticipation that I would own this stunning car by late summer 2022.

We then got the figures for the FE, and at £75k I had to swallow hard to accept my unrealistic hope that it might have been closer to £69,995. But hey, an extra £5k on finance is no problem, I thought, because that would only be a few quid extra.

Then we get the on the road price....ahh that suddenly makes the car £3k more and yet again you're too deep into the journey to bail.

Fast forward a bit and suddenly you get the eagerly awaited call that you're one of the lucky few to 'lock in' your spec for the much anticipated production of your car and suddenly the cost goes out of the window again. After all, you're lucky to be getting it because they are sold 2 years into the future.

From memory, the 'lock in' timeline gave you a matter of days to confirm your binding spec and another £3k to show your willingness to proceed, but hey, it's just exciting to be on the home straight, right?

Spec gets locked in and I choose the launch spec, almost to the final nut because no one has even seen any of the other colours and I don't want to balls it up and choose the wrong one!

Promises then come and go that we'll see different colours and that we can all believe that Magma looks just like the burnt orange, or bright red, or tri-colour Alfa red on the configurator, and so on, but I still want this car as much as when I first saw it.

Friends are now asking me if I'm really buying a Lotus and 'why isn't it here by now?' But I dismiss it and explain that it's coming soon!

Goodwood 2022 then reignites the flame as I can finally see the Emira in different colours and I'm happy that I chose the Seneca blue but a quick visit to the stand host reveals that due to 'production delays' by car will now not be with me until November 2022

I'm still buzzing at this point, even if I was a bit annoyed by the delay.

Despite the costs spiralling and the dates shifting, the world starts to become a different place and suddenly the investments that were doing well, are now not, and the word on the street is that a recession is coming.

More promises come and go from Lotus, more delays, more increases in interest rates come thick and fast and I haven't even driven the car yet!

Finally, I get a test drive. It's at Rybook in Bristol and I'm the first person to drive the car. I instantly fall in love with it when I see it again and all my doubts and and reservations are abated. I can't wait for to get my full 45-60 mins behind the wheel, even though it's touring spec and not my ordered sport setup - Rybrook were great and very helpful but it's the first time I've had a test drive where I was sat in the passenger seat for the first 5-10 minutes, but who cares as long as I enjoy the drive when I get my turn? Well, when I got my turn, the test route was terrible. Start off from a pub carpark straight onto a a road full of speed bumps and then basically an A road and a motorway back to the dealer, all in about 20-25 mins. Wow!

The car didn't disappoint at all and, although it was tour spec which was a bit soft for me, I gave it a glowing review and because I'm not a quitter and I actually tried to gleam the best out of the route (in my head) to convince myself that 18 months of waiting was not wasted.

More time passes and more delays. Reviews are so-so, people are getting fed up with the ever moving goal posts and I've also cross shopped other cars as 'I'm not going another summer without a nice car to enjoy.'

And here we are now. TomE has basically declared that he might cancel the order and never buy a Lotus again, people are waiting at home for deliveries that don't even turn up, Emiraspain sold out for a small £6k profit 😂, die hard early-depositors are dropping like flys, about 10-15% of the delivered UK cars are on the market or have been re-sold and we're hearing about seat belts failing on the first day amongst other unacceptable 'teething issues'

So for me, I'm not out yet but it's just the wind stopping the door from closing behind me at this point.

I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues.

I may be hooked again by Wednesday once I've taken another sniff of the Lotus drug, so watch this space....
ohhhhh. come on!!... I read a post, equal in length to mine and at the end, nothing... no decision, just a well written and well explained diary, you owe me some cake at least!
Very well written and explained and yes the extra 3k on the road probably covered some costs for them, unforeseen although probably seen by everyone else. Sounds like a bad route and this is why the reviews online are important as these guys do know much more than we do and we have to trust them.... in theory, despite advertising etc, I dont think any of them outright lie do they?
I sold out, but I was always going to sell out one of the 2 cars I had ordered (thanks to Lotus poor management and comms).... question is can I justify 95,000 pounds on a car that I dont think is worth 80,000 pounds!
I had a different impression of Rybrook at solihull and purposely changed my dealer so that they would not get the money, making things harder for myself, but at least sending the commission to a dealer that enthuses about Lotus, rather than a tag on with little interest..... but each location and each person is different of course.
I couldn’t have said this better myself, “Brilliant”

I’m exactly the same, I won’t go another summer without a nice car.
Similar here, I still really want my emira but am not going another summer, which seems a ridiculous thought given mine Is supposed to be being built this month! So I'm actively looking at other stuff and it's what turns up first, something used that takes my fancy or the emira
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However, even I am now right on the edge again due to something else.
Oh, the dilemma.

I've been on this journey since the launch at Goodwood 2021 - when stocks were sky high, interest rates were rock bottom and everyone was on cloud-nine after emerging from the doomsday of Covid. Life was good and the sun was beating down on that Seneca Blue Emira sitting on the 'headline' Lotus stand with a price tag 'starting from £59,995.

I was 'all in' from the minute I saw it and hastily placed my deposit whilst cursing my better half for not wanting to come on the first day of Goodwood, as I knew I'd now already be in a queue of other earlier depositors.

TIme moved on and the excitement grew in anticipation that I would own this stunning car by late summer 2022.

We then got the figures for the FE, and at £75k I had to swallow hard to accept my unrealistic hope that it might have been closer to £69,995. But hey, an extra £5k on finance is no problem, I thought, because that would only be a few quid extra.

Then we get the on the road price....ahh that suddenly makes the car £3k more and yet again you're too deep into the journey to bail.

Fast forward a bit and suddenly you get the eagerly awaited call that you're one of the lucky few to 'lock in' your spec for the much anticipated production of your car and suddenly the cost goes out of the window again. After all, you're lucky to be getting it because they are sold 2 years into the future.

From memory, the 'lock in' timeline gave you a matter of days to confirm your binding spec and another £3k to show your willingness to proceed, but hey, it's just exciting to be on the home straight, right?

Spec gets locked in and I choose the launch spec, almost to the final nut because no one has even seen any of the other colours and I don't want to balls it up and choose the wrong one!

Promises then come and go that we'll see different colours and that we can all believe that Magma looks just like the burnt orange, or bright red, or tri-colour Alfa red on the configurator, and so on, but I still want this car as much as when I first saw it.

Friends are now asking me if I'm really buying a Lotus and 'why isn't it here by now?' But I dismiss it and explain that it's coming soon!

Goodwood 2022 then reignites the flame as I can finally see the Emira in different colours and I'm happy that I chose the Seneca blue but a quick visit to the stand host reveals that due to 'production delays' by car will now not be with me until November 2022

I'm still buzzing at this point, even if I was a bit annoyed by the delay.

Despite the costs spiralling and the dates shifting, the world starts to become a different place and suddenly the investments that were doing well, are now not, and the word on the street is that a recession is coming.

More promises come and go from Lotus, more delays, more increases in interest rates come thick and fast and I haven't even driven the car yet!

Finally, I get a test drive. It's at Rybook in Bristol and I'm the first person to drive the car. I instantly fall in love with it when I see it again and all my doubts and and reservations are abated. I can't wait for to get my full 45-60 mins behind the wheel, even though it's touring spec and not my ordered sport setup - Rybrook were great and very helpful but it's the first time I've had a test drive where I was sat in the passenger seat for the first 5-10 minutes, but who cares as long as I enjoy the drive when I get my turn? Well, when I got my turn, the test route was terrible. Start off from a pub carpark straight onto a a road full of speed bumps and then basically an A road and a motorway back to the dealer, all in about 20-25 mins. Wow!

The car didn't disappoint at all and, although it was tour spec which was a bit soft for me, I gave it a glowing review and because I'm not a quitter and I actually tried to gleam the best out of the route (in my head) to convince myself that 18 months of waiting was not wasted.

More time passes and more delays. Reviews are so-so, people are getting fed up with the ever moving goal posts and I've also cross shopped other cars as 'I'm not going another summer without a nice car to enjoy.'

And here we are now. TomE has basically declared that he might cancel the order and never buy a Lotus again, people are waiting at home for deliveries that don't even turn up, Emiraspain sold out for a small £6k profit 😂, die hard early-depositors are dropping like flys, about 10-15% of the delivered UK cars are on the market or have been re-sold and we're hearing about seat belts failing on the first day amongst other unacceptable 'teething issues'

So for me, I'm not out yet but it's just the wind stopping the door from closing behind me at this point.

I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues.

I may be hooked again by Wednesday once I've taken another sniff of the Lotus drug, so watch this space....
I’ve had a very similar journey to you . All I can say is once you’ve driven the sport version if the test drive is anything like mine you will be back trying to sell your grandmother ( as the old M100 selling cliche went ) in order to get this car .
I might be the #1 fanboy and I honestly think the car itself is amazing for what it tries to be.
However, even I am now right on the edge again due to something else.
To be honest I’m on and off the edge with it as well. It’s the curse of having too much time to overthink. But there is nothing else really (bar an A110R) that really excites me.

I watched Harry’s 2022 roundup video and he seems to still love the thing, so I’m sure when it eventually comes it will be ace. I am thinking of getting an Abarth 124 spider if it’s delayed a past Feb just to have something for summer
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"I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues."

I thought the Sports suspension was SIGNIFICANTLY better unless you live on one of those huge holed farm tracks.
"I've got a 2nd test drive on Tuesday (shoot me down for taking 2 by all means) but its the sport suspension that I've ordered so I can't have come this far without exhausting all avenues."

I thought the Sports suspension was SIGNIFICANTLY better unless you live on one of those huge holed farm tracks.
Hi we met at B&C open day right back when the Seneca blue was on display. I took the sports suspension out with a certain gentleman known to both of us ! Because that’s what I ordered and not what B& C had to drive . First instance dual carriageway followed by country lane off the carriageway with a steep slope in sports mode. The car pulling from left to right but easily controllable . Second instance following his fellow employee who knew the roads in tour mode . Was easily able to keep up with him at pace . The car is so well balanced and so planted on the road I defy anything to keep up with it on country roads . Conditions wet roads slippery with fair visibility just before Christmas.
Hi we met at B&C open day right back when the Seneca blue was on display. I took the sports suspension out with a certain gentleman known to both of us ! Because that’s what I ordered and not what B& C had to drive . First instance dual carriageway followed by country lane off the carriageway with a steep slope in sports mode. The car pulling from left to right but easily controllable . Second instance following his fellow employee who knew the roads in tour mode . Was easily able to keep up with him at pace . The car is so well balanced and so planted on the road I defy anything to keep up with it on country roads . Conditions wet roads slippery with fair visibility just before Christmas.
Also I may add that I’ve previously driven the touring version and the sports suspension version is 100% the one to have
Yeah. Even on the motorway/dual carriageway the Sports felt better. It felt tighter and more connected - even that small difference for me was noticeable. The biggest positive difference was 'feeling' and this, for me, meant more confidence in turning in and firing out.
Plus, it seemed to be more stable on braking.

Either way, keeping to topic, both suspensions are still great. The car is amazing and it should never be a factor for a cancellation.
I share mixed feelings about staying or dropping out as you all do. In the end, I always ask myself, if I were driving on the road next to one, would I have any regrets of not getting it? So far, the answer is strongly yes, so I stay, for now ...
I share mixed feelings about staying or dropping out as you all do. In the end, I always ask myself, if I were driving on the road next to one, would I have any regrets of not getting it? So far, the answer is strongly yes, so I stay, for now ...
That is often my way to make a decision.

If I am in the Bentley or C63 then , yes, I will be jealous and gutted.
However, if I am in my Ferrari then no. Race!

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