I'm out - the cancellations thread

Yeah. Even on the motorway/dual carriageway the Sports felt better. It felt tighter and more connected - even that small difference for me was noticeable. The biggest positive difference was 'feeling' and this, for me, meant more confidence in turning in and firing out.
Plus, it seemed to be more stable on braking.

Either way, keeping to topic, both suspensions are still great. The car is amazing and it should never be a factor for a cancellation.
You say that but part of the reason for me cancelling was because I ordered touring.
I could only drive Sport on the test drive (3 closest demos all sport....and all blue....) and Sport felt spot on. So i couldn't test touring, I couldn't change my spec and I didnt fancy taking a punt on an 80k car 🤷
You say that but part of the reason for me cancelling was because I ordered touring.
I could only drive Sport on the test drive (3 closest demos all sport....and all blue....) and Sport felt spot on. So i couldn't test touring, I couldn't change my spec and I didnt fancy taking a punt on an 80k car 🤷
I know what you mean @Leonard. I specced Sport/Cup 2's. The demo car was Touring/Goodyears. After having 2 Caterhams and an S2 Elise so was accustomed to stiffly set up cars. To me the Touring felt a bit soft. The first time i drove a Sports was my own car from the dealer to home. I have to say, as you said, was spot on. I am very pleased with the car, i feel it would have been the ideal situation to drive both back to back on the same road to make an informed choice. I do think we all specced our cars blind having never driven either spec.
I know what you mean @Leonard. I specced Sport/Cup 2's. The demo car was Touring/Goodyears. After having 2 Caterhams and an S2 Elise so was accustomed to stiffly set up cars. To me the Touring felt a bit soft. The first time i drove a Sports was my own car from the dealer to home. I have to say, as you said, was spot on. I am very pleased with the car, i feel it would have been the ideal situation to drive both back to back on the same road to make an informed choice. I do think we all specced our cars blind having never driven either spec.
It is a shame, but it is what it is.
Just strange decision making by Lotus yet again. Why give Birmingham, Nottingham and Bradford dealers all Sports... 🤪
Glad it worked out well for you in the end, car looks stunning 😀🤩
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You say that but part of the reason for me cancelling was because I ordered touring.
I could only drive Sport on the test drive (3 closest demos all sport....and all blue....) and Sport felt spot on. So i couldn't test touring, I couldn't change my spec and I didnt fancy taking a punt on an 80k car 🤷
That's the point Lotus seem to miss......taking a punt with £80k shouldn't be necessary. Others , higher end companies, will organise getting a drive in cars with the features you see as key or arrange a view of other colours. It's about attitude.
It is a shame, but it is what it is.
Just strange decision making by Lotus yet again. Why give Birmingham, Nottingham and Bradford dealers all Sports... 🤪
Glad it worked out well for you, carnlooks stunning 😀🤩
The Tour demo was at Lotus Silverstone. Did not realise Rybrook Birmingham had a Sports, that is my nearest dealer.


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That's the point Lotus seem to miss......taking a punt with £80k shouldn't be necessary. Others , higher end companies, will organise getting a drive in cars with the features you see as key or arrange a view of other colours. It's about attitude.
That situation is applicable to the UK apparently. In the US you are at the mercy of the dealer and people take a punt on much more expensive cars with a short 10min drive and often no drive whatsoever.
Turned up for my formal test drive today. Mechanic had to be called with his laptop to reboot the car. Was sort of the final straw for me. I love the look of the car and the steering in particular, but this reboot is a regular thing for them, the touch controls on the left of the steering didnt seem to be working and the wipers were single speed only. The cabin was rattling noticeably in places . The car is less exciting than the Evora, but ignore the looks, take in the constant problems and lack of support to the dealers who are told very little and it is sadly not the place I now want to put £80k. I was told by LCC yesterday that there will be another email coming out this week re further delays and yet I cannot defer my car for 6-12 months to be sure some of the issues are resolved even though my money has been down for nearly 2 years - if you want to defer you go to the back of the queue. If the car blew my socks off then maybe I could accept the delays and the problems, but whilst its good its not amazing and I don't have confidence it will arrive in time for my spring road trips.
Turned up for my formal test drive today. Mechanic had to be called with his laptop to reboot the car. Was sort of the final straw for me. I love the look of the car and the steering in particular, but this reboot is a regular thing for them, the touch controls on the left of the steering didnt seem to be working and the wipers were single speed only. The cabin was rattling noticeably in places . The car is less exciting than the Evora, but ignore the looks, take in the constant problems and lack of support to the dealers who are told very little and it is sadly not the place I now want to put £80k. I was told by LCC yesterday that there will be another email coming out this week re further delays and yet I cannot defer my car for 6-12 months to be sure some of the issues are resolved even though my money has been down for nearly 2 years - if you want to defer you go to the back of the queue. If the car blew my socks off then maybe I could accept the delays and the problems, but whilst its good its not amazing and I don't have confidence it will arrive in time for my spring road trips.
I feel like the next 6 months is a very important moment for Lotus. Early cars were always going to have some issues, almost impossible not to. So far it has been mostly software dependant, which you would think with all the parts delays for customer cars they would have sorted out the software bit with the all the extra time they had. Storm clouds are hanging over Hethel at the moment.
A sizeable price drop in the used car market might be the hammer blow to their ordering books….. a product that is not reviewed as being excellent, iffy quality and poor customer care….. hmmmm

That 2.5hr drive to my nearest lotus dealer now seem a bit too much of a stretch……
I feel like the next 6 months is a very important moment for Lotus. Early cars were always going to have some issues, almost impossible not to. So far it has been mostly software dependant, which you would think with all the parts delays for customer cars they would have sorted out the software bit with the all the extra time they had. Storm clouds are hanging over Hethel at the moment.
I hope this isnt true, but I simply cannot fathom why they rushed this car through in a crazy timescale whilst trying to expand globally, build new production facilities and launch EV’s. The Goodwood cars were mockups/ a handbuilt ‘Evora’, global supply chains were massively stretched at the time and yet they thought they good produce a customer ready car in less than 12 months - utter madness. If they had launched, then said customer car delivery in autumn 2023, then most people would have still ordered and they could have done long testing. A quarterly positive update and everyone would have been happy. I now know more than a dozen people local to me who have cancelled and none of those are speculators but genuine car fans. Lotus doesnt care, because they have ‘12,000’ orders. I would accept some early faults if the car was stellar, but its just good and lots of faults in many aspects of the car. I hope they buckle down on quality as I would hate to see lotus become like MG with no proper UK presence and just a badge on a chinese made box On wheels, but I can see that happening😓
I’m out !! Told Lotus yesterday and they asked me for feedback. Numerous reasons of course - can’t be bothered to write war and peace ! Enhance and protect a month ago but nothing since. Too many delays , false promises - cancelled a GTS 992 because Emira was due June 22 - so annoying. Not allowed to alter spec - Lotus need to be more flexible if they are to hang on to customers. Even the looks have faded on me now and looking more kit car. Test drive - car uninspiring, suspect build quality , doesn’t feel exciting enough. Think I now prefer an Exige in terms of outside and inside appearance , performance - far more exciting and exotic. Just offered a fantastic deal to swap my 991GT3 gen 2 for a 992 GT3 - gone with that - much less to swap than the price of an Emira . Picked it up already - fantastic service - gifts , thanks for buying etc etc
Having driven the 992 it really calls into question Metcalfe’s opinion ( your own is the best !) . He said the 992 was the first GT3 that he wouldn’t have over the previous generation - too loud , tramlines, rough ride etc etc !! What is he talking about - absolute rubbish.
I just can not believe how he can write that and calls into question all he has written about the Emira. Within a few yards you can tell the 992 is a transformed car - silky smooth ultra precise steering , much less tyre noise ( had to turn the stereo down !) , better ride - overall such a more polished car but still with that incredible engine.
Motto for Lotus is they needed to have struck whilst the iron was still hot !! As time goes on they will only be hanging on to the die hard Lotus fans ( I was a die hard fan too of there cars , Europa , Esprit , F1 49 and 72 etc ) , that’s if they are lucky!!
Have enjoyed reading all the posts - eagerly waited for every new post at the start !! Hope all who receive there cars ! enjoy but please make your own minds up and try everything else before you hand your money over. You have the time !!
I’m out !! Told Lotus yesterday and they asked me for feedback. Numerous reasons of course - can’t be bothered to write war and peace ! Enhance and protect a month ago but nothing since. Too many delays , false promises - cancelled a GTS 992 because Emira was due June 22 - so annoying. Not allowed to alter spec - Lotus need to be more flexible if they are to hang on to customers. Even the looks have faded on me now and looking more kit car. Test drive - car uninspiring, suspect build quality , doesn’t feel exciting enough. Think I now prefer an Exige in terms of outside and inside appearance , performance - far more exciting and exotic. Just offered a fantastic deal to swap my 991GT3 gen 2 for a 992 GT3 - gone with that - much less to swap than the price of an Emira . Picked it up already - fantastic service - gifts , thanks for buying etc etc
Having driven the 992 it really calls into question Metcalfe’s opinion ( your own is the best !) . He said the 992 was the first GT3 that he wouldn’t have over the previous generation - too loud , tramlines, rough ride etc etc !! What is he talking about - absolute rubbish.
I just can not believe how he can write that and calls into question all he has written about the Emira. Within a few yards you can tell the 992 is a transformed car - silky smooth ultra precise steering , much less tyre noise ( had to turn the stereo down !) , better ride - overall such a more polished car but still with that incredible engine.
Motto for Lotus is they needed to have struck whilst the iron was still hot !! As time goes on they will only be hanging on to the die hard Lotus fans ( I was a die hard fan too of there cars , Europa , Esprit , F1 49 and 72 etc ) , that’s if they are lucky!!
Have enjoyed reading all the posts - eagerly waited for every new post at the start !! Hope all who receive there cars ! enjoy but please make your own minds up and try everything else before you hand your money over. You have the time !!
Wow, well done on getting hold of a 992 gt3, my local dealer had a new GT3 touring in 50 miles and only a cool £250k. lovely though.
Wow, well done on getting hold of a 992 gt3, my local dealer had a new GT3 touring in 50 miles and only a cool £250k. lovely though.

Same. Love the GT3, but it's also ~2.5x the price of a fully loaded Emira... thus out of my reach! 🙃
I hope this isnt true, but I simply cannot fathom why they rushed this car through in a crazy timescale whilst trying to expand globally, build new production facilities and launch EV’s. The Goodwood cars were mockups/ a handbuilt ‘Evora’, global supply chains were massively stretched at the time and yet they thought they good produce a customer ready car in less than 12 months - utter madness. If they had launched, then said customer car delivery in autumn 2023, then most people would have still ordered and they could have done long testing. A quarterly positive update and everyone would have been happy. I now know more than a dozen people local to me who have cancelled and none of those are speculators but genuine car fans. Lotus doesnt care, because they have ‘12,000’ orders. I would accept some early faults if the car was stellar, but its just good and lots of faults in many aspects of the car. I hope they buckle down on quality as I would hate to see lotus become like MG with no proper UK presence and just a badge on a chinese made box On wheels, but I can see that happening😓
Did they rush it, it’s been out being test driven for years, you’d think the team driving the cars would have noticed these issues folks are getting.
Did they rush it, it’s been out being test driven for years, you’d think the team driving the cars would have noticed these issues folks are getting.
Yes, but were the validation prototypes ever really finished... Henry Catchpoole drove the Emira 3 times, all prototypes, all with issues. You would think there would be some well sorted cars that long into it. Then again I am not an automotive engineer, so don't know exactly how that process shakes down.
Yes, but were the validation prototypes ever really finished... Henry Catchpoole drove the Emira 3 times, all prototypes, all with issues. You would think there would be some well sorted cars that long into it. Then again I am not an automotive engineer, so don't know exactly how that process shakes down.

Validation prototypes are never really finished. First adopters complete the production validation because as the build phases mature (beta, gamma, pilot, plant volume, etc.) the assembly process changes, as does the part maturity and sourcing. DVPR testing should catch most failure modes but it won't catch everything.
Motto for Lotus is they needed to have struck whilst the iron was still hot !! As time goes on they will only be hanging on to the die hard Lotus fans ( I was a die hard fan too of there cars , Europa , Esprit , F1 49 and 72 etc ) , that’s if they are lucky!!
They've lost a lot of the die hard Lotus fans too along this journey. Some because the car isn't "old school Lotus" enough and some because of how Lotus has treated them.
Thanks to all for the banter and information over the past few years but today my journey is finished.

I had delivery scheduled for 4th January and, as you can imagine I was excited to finally take ownership of my car.

Waited in all day as I was told it would be delivered at any time throughout the day and they could not give me a time.

By 10pm I thought, humm, I don't think I'll be getting a delivery today.

Next day, I phoned Lotus and asked for an update. Was told the car hadn't shipped because of transport / logistics issues.

When I asked for a manager to get back to me as I wanted to make a complaint, I was then told Lotus had 'just' noticed the car had a paint issue and delivery would be delayed.

I was thinking of writing to Lotus with a complaint, but what would be the point. I'm not interested in investing time explaining why their system is poor, customers are treated poorly and ultimately they are alienating people like me who were wanting to buy their first Lotus.

I am afraid my Journey with Lotus is now at an end as I am simply not Interested in the drama, incompetence and lack of care I have experienced from this buying process.

I just wanted a car, not to buy into a dysfunctional production family lifestyle.

For everyone still here I wish you all the best with your cars but unfortunately I will not ever be driving a Lotus.

For someone with an order for a Nimbus / no BP and alcantara black interior, you are about to get a call from CS. Buyer Beware!

Oh, and I also will be cancelling my Electre order and asking for my deposit back as I won't be engaging with this experience again. Upon reflection, I don't think I am the target demographic for New Lotus.
Have you lost your deposit if you were due for delivery and have now pulled out?
Having driven the 992 it really calls into question Metcalfe’s opinion ( your own is the best !) . He said the 992 was the first GT3 that he wouldn’t have over the previous generation - too loud , tramlines, rough ride etc etc !! What is he talking about - absolute rubbish.
I just can not believe how he can write that and calls into question all he has written about the Emira. Within a few yards you can tell the 992 is a transformed car - silky smooth ultra precise steering , much less tyre noise ( had to turn the stereo down !) , better ride - overall such a more polished car but still with that incredible engine.
Did he not go back on this and said that the GT3 he drove might have had something wrong with it? As he drove the GT3 touring and thought it was amazing. Named the car in his top 3 picks of 2022.

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