Very much agree and it's very subjective. I think the whole notion of "super car" is that it's clearly too much. More than you need, more than you can handle. But you do because you can. It's a flex.
I've always considered Lambos and Ferraris the classic super cars. The classic flex. Looks, feels and costs a bit too much.
I kind of orient around that.
Porsches are the "reasonable" choice. They are spectacular sports cars. Although some of their special models start to fit the flex category and thus the super car moniker.
Hypercars are just bananas and represent the insane income disparity we have in the world today

I mean super rich guys have to flex too and a Lambo is just not going to cut it.
The Emira is a sports car dressed up as a super car. This is actually what's so appealing about it. I always thought it would be a good idea to own an older Ferrari with a 6-speed, maybe a 360 or 430. But how much would it cost to maintain and would it just be too ridiculous to drive on a regular basis? Enter the Emira.