Limited Telematics


Emira Fanatic
Jan 16, 2022
Reaction score
Louisville KY ("the Ville")
Emira Status
Emira Owner
I got the Limited Telematics service advisory light today. The car had been sitting for about 10 days due to really bad weather. I spoke with my dealer service rep and he explained that the telematics system has a battery in addition to the car's battery. I'm told the battery responsible for telematics connectivity can not be charged through the trickle charger and only gets re-charged as the car is driven. Basically he explained, "Drive the car and the advisory goes away." After about an hour I stopped for gas, and on start up the telematics advisory did go away. However this is REALLY annoying.


Two part question for the group...

1. Can the Telematics battery be replaced and if so has anyone done this? Where is the battery located and what type of battery is it?

2. Can the Telematics system be completely disabled by removing a fuse or coding the ECU?
I used to have the same error, same symptoms. Mine also started after the car had sat unused for about a month. Charging battery in trunk does not help. Basically the error came on during start up after the car had sat overnight. Once you'd drive the car around, the error would go away. I recently got my car back from the dealer and it appears to be fixed. They said it was a software update. I read the service sheet which states "CEM needed update 170101tt."

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