Oil change procedure


Emira Fan
Jan 21, 2023
Reaction score
New Zealand
Going to give the car an oil change,the hardest part looks like pouring the oil in,I've seen a few different funnels but not sure which would be the best considering the awkward position of the filler hole...any suggestions please .
Going to give the car an oil change,the hardest part looks like pouring the oil in,I've seen a few different funnels but not sure which would be the best considering the awkward position of the filler hole...any suggestions please .

Buy the single quart bottles vs the big 5 qt container. The smaller ones are easier to pour with the limited space. I just use a funnel with a hose that I got off Amazon, but this right angle funnel would probably work too.
The Evora has similar issues filling oil.
I saw this aluminium filler neck extension recently when someone was wondering if it would work for their Emira.

Also this though the Amazon links show unavailable parts:

Also this:
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