"A larger rotor will increase the brake torque but it doesn't change the brake bias.
How is that possible? They are in agreement that front brake torque is increased by the use of larger rotors. The rear rotors are not oversized so rear brake torque is unchanged from OEM. That effectively moves bias towards the front.
Emira's front rotor increase to 380 is following the same upgrade path as Porsche 997 in which 997.2 front rotor was oversized to 380 from 997.1's 350mm, while the same calipers were used and so is the rear rotor @350mm.
Maybe Porsche realized that specific platform could benefit from more front bias and that is why they made the change. Doesn’t mean other cars from other brands would benefit from the same modification.
@Eagle7, not arguing with you, just questioning what RB is telling you.