One of the wheels started to get some marking after about 4-5 years, where it looked like some small surface damage had allowed water in under the surface and then caused them to blister. This then got worse over time. It mostly started at the spoke edge, so may have been a manufacturing issue, as it only affected one wheel. You can see the effect mid spoke at 10, 11, 12 and 1 o'clock on this - these are at 8 years old. The marks at 4 (spoke), 6 and 7 o'clock (rim) are from clipping a curb.
View attachment 2214
In contrast this is the front wheel at the same age (and the other 2 wheels were similar), with three tiny marks on the rim at 12, 5 and 6:
View attachment 2213
The picture in the previous post is from last year just after I had all 4 refurbished, after I curbed the two on the other side

They can be done 3-4 times. These days the manufacturing process (and refurb process) means they should last longer now than the Evora 2011 ones.