For what it's worth, mine is in at PFS, and in the short time while I was getting checked in, a whole host of amazing cars were on their way in, including a Huracan EVO and a GT2 RS. That being said I truly believe that Kyle and his team with 18+ years of experience know what they're doing and do it very well, and are very careful I believe. I had some time to speak with Kyle about the relief cuts and if they could be modified/reduced in size/eliminated etc., and he had this to say. He related to me his many conversations with XPEL regarding how they do their templates, (computerized, based on wind tunnel results, working directly with the manufacturers on the suspected high impact areas,, etc and a lot of other detailed analysis that seemed fairly impressive to someone who knows little to nothing about this), to the point where they trust the templates provided by XPEL implicitly, including the relief cuts shape and size. They are there for a reason, and they feel strongly about this. When then have gotten requests to modify them, even slightly, they are risking their reputation and customer satisfaction if something goes wrong, such as lifting. While they will honor whatever the customer requests, they can't and won't guarantee against issues, which could cost you down the road. Although I don't know if this is directly related, I feel compelled to cite
@Tobiasz17azs recent experience and certainly wish him the best in remedying his PPF issues. So after this fairly lengthy discussion, I made the decision to proceed with no modifications to the template with regards to relief cuts. Further on this, in the Emiras they have done so far, their technicians have determined that the size and location of the relief cuts warrant filling in with PPF, but he left it up to me whether or not I want to do this. They have done this already on one Emira at the owners request (see
@T6061 's photo earlier in this thread) and left this off on another, again at the owners request. I requested they be filled, because I don't think it changes the look and it offers more protection to what could be a couple of vulnerable spots. So in summary, I do HATE the relief cuts and wish they weren't there, but I'm reasonably convinced the folks that put them there know what they're doing and did it for a very good reason. And I'd hate it more if the film lifted and I had issues with it down the road that could cost me more money and time. Time may prove me wrong and maybe all the STEK guys will have their cars wrapped with no relief cuts and no issues. And to that I'll say that's AWESOME, major congrats! But by that time, I'll be enjoying the drive and will have probably forgotten all about this issue on my car. My two, YMMV of course! Cheers everyone and happy weekend (but me without my car for now).