You missed an important word, I said "stiffer does not ALWAYS equate to better"... I was trying to invoke some thinking and challenge the thought process that some people have that stiffer suspension is ALWAYS better than softer suspension... which it is not.
I have driven the Emira Touring suspension on a test drive, and in my humble opinion it is pretty much bang on what I personally would want from a sports car on UK roads.
As for your last statement:
.. You are absolutely entitled to, and I respect, that opinion, but I personally disagree. Let me explain why... I have had cars with suspension that is 'too stiff' for the road and they are just no fun to drive on the road to me (a couple with adjustable dampers where the hardest setting is just unusable on normal roads). I would even argue that much too much stiffness on the road is a negative, causing banging, jittering and jumping that could actually, in extreme cases, be dangerous on the public road when pushing-on, or fast mid-corner, where a softer set-up could actually be more stable, and perhaps counter-intuitively for some, actually quicker to cover distance in. So, yes, whilst I understand why some might argue that 'too soft' could sap some of the fun out of the driving experience, for me, I would take that over too hard any day. But that is somewhat off topic perhaps, as that is talking about extremes, and let's be honest, the difference between the two setups on the Emira are nowhere near any end of those extremes.
I am going with Touring setup. You may want Sports. Both, IMO, would be valid choices, depending on your most important criteria... But please, everybody, make your choice for the right reasons, not just because of the naming conventions that the Lotus marketing team chose to go with.