Test Drive Scheduled in Ontario!

Just touch base with Paul at Gentry, he advises that they will have the Emira on Nov 2 and 3. 15 min test drive slots will be available for deposit holders. They are discussing the details with Lotus and should have all the final information by today.
That would make a max of 60 test drives in the two days. I am confident not all depositors will receive a phone call to test drive the Emira. Realistically 40-50 people from each dealer will get the phone call.
Yes, me too. I have been told many things by Lotus that have not happened. I even said that to them. I did say I will not believe even a delivery date until I am sat in it driving away from the dealer. Lotus have only themselves to blame for the way I feel. Also @TomE, do you think this business model of direct selling is working? I certainly don't. Do you think there will be a review of this method of selling, and possibly revert back to dealer selling?
Please start another thread on that topic if you want to raise it for wider discussion, rather than go off topic here 👍
Please start another thread on that topic if you want to raise it for wider discussion, rather than go off topic here 👍
Sorry @TomE. I am afraid i don't know how to transfer my post to start another thread. Can you do it from your end please?
Sorry @TomE. I am afraid i don't know how to transfer my post to start another thread. Can you do it from your end please?
So you put a deposit this year and got a call about a test drive and others that put in a deposit much earlier haven't been called? Lotus hard at work ticking people off again.
So this confirms the "not to deposit order" policy of Lotus.
So this confirms the "not to deposit order" policy of Lotus.
It’s different outside the UK - it’s entirely in the hands of the dealers and they can choose to follow deposit date or not. Lotus encourage them to but can’t enforce it.

In this case it is the order of phoning people about a test drive, so I wouldn’t read too much into it.
So this confirms the "not to deposit order" policy of Lotus.
Yes, North America is different than UK... Dealers here are very much profit orientated. Good or bad it is what it is, the test drives and allocation handout (who gets an Emira) will have little to do with deposit date. This is not a only Lotus problem, but an issue across the board with all dealers/brands. However, the vehicle market seems to be crashing along with the economy at the moment. Low interest rates and easy lending during the pandemic years has come to an end, hopefully this will normalize the car market and go back to a time where people that could actually afford these cars, bought them. I would prefer the UK model and buy direct from Lotus, even with all the faults. Nothing is perfect.
Thanks for update. I contacted Gentry to see what they know and was told November 2 and 3rd are likely dates there but no other details. It may be the worst area of town to try a test drive but after all this waiting I'm super pumped just to see it in person.
Has anyone been contacted by Gentry yet? (I know I haven't!) November 2nd/3rd is less than 1 week away!
Has anyone been contacted by Gentry yet? (I know I haven't!) November 2nd/3rd is less than 1 week away!
If you want a test drive, I would reach out. I doubt all 150+ ppl on the Emira list will be getting a call at Gentry.
Got my test drive scheduled for Friday Nov 4th at Oakville. Received an email from Tony to call him and arrange it, so of course I did. Looks like Gentry has it for 2 days then Oakville for 2 days; assuming it is the same car. Yellow one is all I know.

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