The inevitable faster Emira


Emira Fan
Aug 25, 2021
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
I think we all can agree that a faster version of the Emira is on the horizon. What will it be exactly? Few know. However I have my ideas.

In the short term (12-24 months) I think Lotus will announce an Emira R with a hotter tune and some minor hardware upgrades. Due to the fact that the 400hp tune already has a lot of heat that has to be managed, I think Lotus will limit this version to 475hp, perhaps only 440hp initially. While more power is definitely possible the accompanying heat would require significant re-engineering. With light weight seats, exhaust, wheels, and battery this model will weigh around 3,100lbs.

While this model is being rolled out Lotus will also be putting the finishing touches on the Emira Hybrid. This will be a hybrid in the spirit of the Porsche 911 hybrid. An electric motor between the engine and transmission to provide torque fill and quick boosts of power with batteries positioned above the gas tank behind the seats. It is not designed for extended, battery only travel. There will be aero, brake, and suspension upgrades too, of course. Perhaps even a roof scoop (a la Exige) to dump a lot of cool air into the engine compartment. Even with the same weight reduction hardware from the Emira R, weight will go up to around 3,400 lbs, but with 450hp from the ICE and another 150hp from the electric motors this would be Lotus' fastest car ever.

Which one would you take?
The real problem is going to be cost. Considering that when the Emira was first announced, the base model was going to be £59,999, these new models are going to double that. That's going to move the Emira up into a different segment of the market. The R model you describe would be the most interesting to me, but you also have to factor in insurance costs.

There's a line between decent, practical power and performance you can use on the street, versus indecent, impractical power and performance that you simply cannot use on the street. You're going to be paying for it, but why? Unless you are going to track it, to me it just doesn't make sense economically to be paying for more car than you can realistically use.

If I didn't already have my Emira, I'd buy one at the reduced prices they're going for right now, and put $20k into it and it would be the R model you describe. It would be far less than the factory one is going to be, and without the insurance rating that model is going to get. That's actually almost what I'm doing with mine now, except I payed the original list price for it because I put a deposit down the week it was announced, and was expecting they were only going to make 500 for the U.S.

This car is a real gem, and I think it would do it a disservice to start pushing the price tag up beyond what the average sports car enthusiast would be able to afford, which I'm afraid is what's going to happen with the next edition models.
I think you're right about a more powerful version coming. But for me, no matter what the power increase is, there is one thing that would prevent me from being an interested buyer: the absence of a 6 speed manual.

And lets face it, whatever configuration they come up with will probably not be matched to a 6 speed.
I think we all can agree that a faster version of the Emira is on the horizon. What will it be exactly? Few know. However I have my ideas.

In the short term (12-24 months) I think Lotus will announce an Emira R with a hotter tune and some minor hardware upgrades. Due to the fact that the 400hp tune already has a lot of heat that has to be managed, I think Lotus will limit this version to 475hp, perhaps only 440hp initially. While more power is definitely possible the accompanying heat would require significant re-engineering. With light weight seats, exhaust, wheels, and battery this model will weigh around 3,100lbs.

While this model is being rolled out Lotus will also be putting the finishing touches on the Emira Hybrid. This will be a hybrid in the spirit of the Porsche 911 hybrid. An electric motor between the engine and transmission to provide torque fill and quick boosts of power with batteries positioned above the gas tank behind the seats. It is not designed for extended, battery only travel. There will be aero, brake, and suspension upgrades too, of course. Perhaps even a roof scoop (a la Exige) to dump a lot of cool air into the engine compartment. Even with the same weight reduction hardware from the Emira R, weight will go up to around 3,400 lbs, but with 450hp from the ICE and another 150hp from the electric motors this would be Lotus' fastest car ever.

Which one would you take?

There's one thought I've never had when driving my i4 around from place to place: "I need more power".

But heck - it's a free country (England that is) - do as you will.
I think we get a mild bump to 416HP for the I4, but with tons of factory carbon and weight reduction measures.
I will wait to buy as long as I am sure that there wont be coming a hotter/faster V6 manual version. Only then I will get the V6 manual with a piece of mind. And I wont even be disapointed as the base car is already more than enough for public street. Nonetheless, if there is coming a hotter V6 version, I would need to have that :ROFLMAO:
I will wait to buy as long as I am sure that there wont be coming a hotter/faster V6 manual version. Only then I will get the V6 manual with a piece of mind. And I wont even be disapointed as the base car is already more than enough for public street. Nonetheless, if there is coming a hotter V6 version, I would need to have that :ROFLMAO:
Let's have two of them then...:)
The big question to the community is what are we willing to pay for a modest bump in HP, carbon aesthetics and weight reduction measures?
From an aftermarket perspective, you can shed about 80-90 lbs with lightweight wheels, Ti exhaust, Li battery, and a carbon hood. This will set you back between $8-10k (USD). If Lotus can offer the same and keep the "Type R" below a 10-15k (USD) premium, I could see this selling well.
I would like a more supportive factory seat like the Evora GT has, and 50 more horsepower with the manual
I think you're right about a more powerful version coming. But for me, no matter what the power increase is, there is one thing that would prevent me from being an interested buyer: the absence of a 6 speed manual.

And lets face it, whatever configuration they come up with will probably not be matched to a 6 speed.
Came to say this.

I would almost 100% trade-in my v6 manual FE for an improved version (higher performance, carbon bits, etc.), but I'm convinced that there will be no updated v6 version, and therefore no manual.

A proper manual is required for me to be an interested buyer.
I will wait to buy as long as I am sure that there wont be coming a hotter/faster V6 manual version. Only then I will get the V6 manual with a piece of mind. And I wont even be disapointed as the base car is already more than enough for public street. Nonetheless, if there is coming a hotter V6 version, I would need to have that :ROFLMAO:
I'm pretty sure someone here was on a factory tour and they only had 200 or something V6s on the shelves and said "that's it. No more after those"

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