I had the same problem; contacted customer support and they said I wasn't on the list because I checked the box that said I don't want "marketing" emails. I explained that anything related to my order isn't "marketing," but I've been added to the list and have received surprisingly no marketing... or not enough marketing. Sheesh!
It seems the number of FE's was increased from 1300 to 1900 now... so maybe you haven't missed the cutoff yet. Something to discuss with your dealer.
No such thing... they can't hold your money hostage forever. It's refundable. Unless they want to pay legal fees as well
The orders are locked in, but technically, until you have the car, either side can renege. Laws vary by state, but until you take possession of the car everything is up in the air. By the way, this works in both directions. In theory, a dealer doesn't have to deliver a car to you either. It'll be hard for them to pull that with the first few/numbered deliveries, but past that? I'm sure they're going to start playing games. Some dealers already started with cancellations.