USA/Canada Delivery Thread

When’s the next shipment due to arrive?
The ACL ship Atlantic Sail just unloaded in the past few days. No manifest yet.

The Atlantic Star is scheduled to dock in Newark on the 19th, and the Atlantic Sky on the 26th. No idea whether either has Emiras on board though.
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The MC20 is one of the few cars for sale today that look equal/better than the Emira (IMO). That’s says a lot about the Emira.
Agreed. I saw an MC20 in that stunning yellow/white-shift paint in person. It instantly became my favorite-looking care of all time. Pictures don't do it any justice.
Yea, literally the first question out of my kid's mouth when I told him I am getting a Lotus. He is very disappointed in me.
"Is that the one with the doors that go up?" a question I've been asked. Also, "when are you getting that McLaren?"

I guess I can see how non-car people would confuse Lotus with Lamborghini and McLaren. It's the "L" that does it.
The ACL ship Atlantic Sail just unloaded in the past few days. No manifest yet.

The Atlantic Star is scheduled to dock in Newark on the 19th, and the Atlantic Sky on the 26th. No idea whether either has Emiras on board though.

The Atlantic Sail had 19 Lotus Eletre's no Emira's
Galpin just confirmed they received their first batch that are in for software upgrades and prep for retail. Nimbus, Dark Verdant and Hethal Yellow. HY will likely be detailed and in the showroom sometime this weekend.

Still waiting to see the reds and blues since I’m waiting on a Seneca i4.
I'm still waiting for mine that was on 3/29 ship.
Newark is just two hours away from me and we're going on three weeks 🤔
Are you at victory lotus of NJ? Mine was on that ship also and I talked to John yesterday at Victory and he said they havn't received anything. Summit NJ received over 8 last week. Philadelphia lotus received 4. like WTF
Yea, literally the first question out of my kid's mouth when I told him I am getting a Lotus. He is very disappointed in me.
Just tell him that puddle lights are _really_ important to you. :D
Are you at victory lotus of NJ? Mine was on that ship also and I talked to John yesterday at Victory and he said they havn't received anything. Summit NJ received over 8 last week. Philadelphia lotus received 4. like WTF
I'm with Lotus Philly.

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