USA/Canada Delivery Thread

Hello, other gator people,
Are you waiting on a FE v1 or 2? Also, out of curiosity, what was your deposit date, if you don’t mind d sharing.
To avoid having Gator replies lost on this huge thread, I created this Gator-specific one. I'll post my response there and hope you will too. The Gator thread
Contact info? I'm in a similar boat and I'd do it if I knew who to call. Dealer (Gator) hasn't provided any information.
The direct phone number is literally on Lotus's website.

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I've compiled all of the VINs I could find for the US Emira shipments. What's missing is that I could only find 99 of the 150 VINs for the first shipment dated 12/1/2023. So this list is incomplete. This list will be updated as new shipments arrive.

Is this sheet being updated
Day 1013 here... but I see light at the end of the tunnel... No call yet from Park Place, but being a part of the 4/6 ship batch, I suspect I'll hear something early next week about it being on the truck in route...
Nice photos! Lotus should have hired you to take the photos originally.
Thanks! Well we all know Dark Verdant is impossible to photograph, or so they told us. ;) I think magma/tan came out looking great, especially in the morning sunlight. I completely mistook the DV car inside for black. The Seneca/red car is their demo.
Interesting, a car was removed from the VIN list of the 4/6 shipment: SCCLEKAX3RHB11504.

Not sure what happened to it, maybe it was never loaded onto the vessel?
Interesting, a car was removed from the VIN list of the 4/6 shipment: SCCLEKAX3RHB11504.

Not sure what happened to it, maybe it was never loaded onto the vessel?
There's a pattern over time of them leaving a sequential car out. Mine for example was missing from the 12/2 ship (among sequential VINs) but showed up inexplicably in February.
My car has been in port since 4/6. Dealer is getting a few cars days apart. How can this be an effective method of delivering cars with a few cars dropped off at each dealer? Would it not make more sense that if there are enough cars to fill a carrier for a dealer, deliver them all instead of dropping a couple of cars at each? Oh, I forgot, Its Lotus.
My car has been in port since 4/6. Dealer is getting a few cars days apart. How can this be an effective method of delivering cars with a few cars dropped off at each dealer? Would it not make more sense that if there are enough cars to fill a carrier for a dealer, deliver them all instead of dropping a couple of cars at each? Oh, I forgot, Its Lotus.
I'm in the same boat as you, you would think the end is near but it could be a week, could be a month, ugggh.
My car has been in port since 4/6. Dealer is getting a few cars days apart. How can this be an effective method of delivering cars with a few cars dropped off at each dealer? Would it not make more sense that if there are enough cars to fill a carrier for a dealer, deliver them all instead of dropping a couple of cars at each? Oh, I forgot, Its Lotus.
Heard the same thing today from my dealer, weird thing is that a second shipment has arrived at port and a few of those cars have made it to the dealer while some first shipment cars are still waiting

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