Congratulations! Speaking as one who had the dumb luck to end up with one of the early deliveries, I am so happy to see some of the major contributors to this forum finally approaching the “finish line”.
@Eagle7 it seems like forever ago that you were keeping us occupied with your 3D renders and now the real thing is near. This thread has been excruciating at times, going from the highs of CARB approval (remember that?) to the depths of despair as many still remained in the dark about their deliveries. Here’s hoping the floodgates are beginning to open and all of you have your patience rewarded. It’s cliche to say at this point, but damn this thing is so worth the wait!
I know. I remember when doing those renders thinking we'd have our cars in 6 months lol. None of us dreamed it would take over 2 years. Even though it's going to be great to have the car and driving around, there was just something about the "we're all in this together" nature of the long wait that I'm going to miss at some level. This forum was the first thing I checked in the morning, and often the last thing at night lol.
This whole thing reminded me of a movie I watched years ago, "Under the Tuscan Sun". It's a rom com which isn't something I normally watch, and I can't remember now why I happened to watch this particular one. Basically it's a story about an American woman who buys a villa in Italy that needs restoring, and she hires various people to restore it. Of course they're a motley crew of Italians who disagree about how to do things, etc., and there's lots of drama, arguments, and so on.
She of course has to corral all of them and get them to work together, and manage all the issues that come up. She decides to serve them breakfast each day, so they all have to get together at the same time, sit at this long table, and have breakfast before starting work. At the end of the movie, after the long project is finished, there's a final scene where they're all sitting at the breakfast table, only instead of the usual talk and chatter, they're all sitting there stone quiet, looking like they're at a funeral. They all realize this is the last time they'll be doing this, the project is over. Through it all, despite all the dysfunction, angst and drama, they'd become like a surrogate family. I won't say anymore in case anyone wants to watch the movie, but this forum right now kind of reminds me of that moment in the movie.
I'm going to start a project thread of all the things I'm thinking about, planning on, about to do, or actually doing to my Emira. I've been working on renders of various ideas, and I've finally narrowed it down to what I want to do with the back of the car. I have the ideas for the front and sides nailed down. The thought about what to do about the back finally came to me a couple days ago, and I've done a quick preliminary render, and it looks good. I think I'm close to getting it to look right. Everyone is welcome to browse my project thread, participate, and
respectfully comment as it goes along hehe.
I've also designed a custom gear shift knob, but I'm having trouble finding someone who can do it. It combines metal, wood and leather. Does anybody know someone who can possibly do it? The guy I thought could do it, Latheworks, doesn't work with leather.