Vehicle delivered missing paint.

@BWAK sorry if I missed it, but do you know what colour the underside of the bumper was before respray? I’m intrigued how Lotus could miss something so obvious, particularly if the undercoat was a grey colour…
I am currently going through something similar. I took delivery on 12/20/24 and returned to the dealer 1/6/25 to have PPF and tint done. When the installer attempted to cover the rear with PPF, he noticed a spot that wasn't painted (about two inches wide) on one of the panels close to the rear passenger tire. It wasn't visible unless looking at it from the ground. Lotus admitted fault the next day and approved correction under warranty. So then my car was loaded on a flatbed for transport to a specialty paint correction facility. No idea when I'll get it back.

The issue (as described by my dealer contact) is that when the PPF is eventually removed, it will likely take surrounding areas of paint with it and create a much bigger problem. Since the affected area isn't visible from almost any angle, I'm less concerned with their proposed fix. Just hoping to have my car back before the weather warms up and I can actually drive.View attachment 57616
That's not unpainted, that was painted and then something pulled the paint off. The car didn't leave the factory that way, I'd lay money on it.

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