Viewing at Rybrook

Hi All. As daft as it might sound having keep looking at the pictures, what I forgot to ask on my visit was about the mirrors… does anyone know if the fold and if they do are they power fold? They don’t half stick out …LOL and could be an expensive exercise…
Hi All. As daft as it might sound having keep looking at the pictures, what I forgot to ask on my visit was about the mirrors… does anyone know if the fold and if they do are they power fold? They don’t half stick out …LOL and could be an expensive exercise…
The first edition cars come with heated, power fold mirrors. 👍
Yes, power fold. The car is 2092mm with them out and 1895mm with them folded. I needed to check I could get it into my garage :)
Yes, power fold. The car is 2092mm with them out and 1895mm with them folded. I needed to check I could get it into my garage :)

Thanks for this! I just measured my small garage to double check and I'll have 9.2" (234mm) left on each side with the mirrors folded and 5.3 (135mm) each side with mirrors extended! :cool: Now I just need to find a way to lift the roof to allow for 2 vehicles to be stacked inside at once. 🙃
Thanks for this! I just measured my small garage to double check and I'll have 9.2" (234mm) left on each side with the mirrors folded and 5.3 (135mm) each side with mirrors extended! :cool: Now I just need to find a way to lift the roof to allow for 2 vehicles to be stacked inside at once. 🙃
I’m actually going through a process now to raise the garage door so I can get a 4-post lift.

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