What did you do to your Emira today?

Just curious, did you use a torch to heat up the end of the pipe you were trying to expand?
I didn't.. The end of the pipe is pretty thick and also didn't want to try this.. Wasn't mine and I thought based on other readings that the pipe would expand easier..

Guess I'm one of those weirdos adding weight to a car where weight is one of the first discussion topics.
How much difference did this make in the sound heard inside while driving?
Yea would love to get your thoughts on this. I don't mind adding weight if it makes sense. I thought about doing the doors for road noise as well.
Dunno yet. Still need to go for drive. A few things still to button up. Haven't decided if I'm doing some on the doors.

Also atmospheric river today, so will wait for another dry day
Road noise is a very large part of the noise you hear when driving any car. The doors are responsible for a large part of this, so if you want to quieten the cabin, the doors are essential.

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