New profile posts

Hi, thanks for your interest in my EMIRA. I am asking $103,500. Let me know if you would like to take a look. Thanks, Jason
Are you happy with your Eventuri intake? I am skeptical that it will add any power in view of the dyno runs by Greg and what we now know about ECU learning, but from the point of view of purely louder intake noise…. but is that worth $1300?
IMHO, the cost-to-hp-gain ratio likely favors the intake over the 440 ECU at ~$6.5k. If we factor in usability, then it’s a no-brainer, when compared to the ECU. It offers a nice boost in the low to mid range (as well as in the upper end).

If there was an easy off ramp to this ECU, I’d take it in a heartbeat. The intake, I’d keep.
I will order one!

Yes, the ECU is depressing. Perhaps they can raise the idle floor to stop the stalls; however, the other issues are bizarre and I don’t see how they’re going to fix them by simply moving some numbers up and down.

We can probably get our money back if we push as a group. But we need to let it play out for a bit.
Bonsoir "Nico", Nicolas je suppose 😊
Nouvellement inscrit sur le forum je recherche des propriétaires d'Emira V6 ayant installé une préparation Jubu 460.
Pouvez vous me dire si vous êtes pleinement satisfait ou si vous rencontrez certains problèmes.
D'avance merci, bien cordialement, Paul
Emira in Folsom. Hi. I am going to be at the Cars and Coffee event tomorrow in Roseville at the Hobby Lobby. There might be a few other Emiras there. Mine is Nimbus Grey. I'd like to meet you. Best, Glenn
GM Totally Average
Congratulations on your new purchase!!. Question. Do you have an issue titling your Emira in California? I also got mine from Gator and picked it up in early May 2024. I still have yet to receive my CA plate :(. Thanks