Anyone received their 30 day notification yet?

Elaborate please...
Yes, i was in Norfolk this week and last week. On talking to my many customers, telling them i have an Emira on order, they said are you sure, do you really want to have any dealings with them. According to them, they have an history of saying they will do things and promising the earth and not, sorry about the pun, delivering. From what i have heard, the locals wouldn't touch them with a barge poll. I dont know about you guys, but it sure gave something to think about.
So I have just emailed CS , saying I am looking forward to getting the car and understand the issues but that comms have been very poor . This is the gist of the reply

''We are working on sending out communication. This will be sent out shortly once the communication has been approved by the relevant teams. With the ever-changing aspects of production and supply, factory have been working hard to review all Emira orders so that we can provide accurate delivery estimations with this communication that is due to be sent. We were initially planning on sending out this communication shortly after Matt Windle's video update was released, however it needed to be reviewed, which prevented us from releasing it.

I sincerely apologise that there has been such a wait in us sending out this communication and the lack of information. I've sent your feedback on to senior management so that it can be taken into account and your opinion and other customers opinions are heard.

We are aiming for demonstrator vehicles to be at Lotus centres towards the end of this month'''

so no real additional info but lets hope they do take it on board , demos were planned to be next week or week after so looks like thats slipped as well
They have employed someone specifically as a senior Customer Experience head of department
I'm confused, who is in charge of relaying information?
When they get all the parts to complete and start shipping cars, they'll complete and start shipping cars. They'll let the people who's cars are complete know their cars are ready to be shipped. In the meantime, they're not communicating because there isn't anything solid or positive to communicate. As soon as there is, I expect we'll hear something. They're obviously being told things by their suppliers, that aren't happening as they were hoping. Passing that on to us through unfulfilled promises is worse I think, than if they just keep silent while working through all the difficulties.

This is the way it is right now. We all know this. Either hunker down, be patient until it gets sorted out, or save yourself the horror of it all, and cancel and go somewhere else. If you've already placed an order, contact Lotus and politely request to cancel due to the situation. I say POLITELY because I know from personal experience how employees react in giving concessions to customers who are nice and ask politely, versus those who rant and rave and use abusive language. You're far more likely to get your order cancelled by being polite and considerate (even if you don't feel that way) than by being hostile and abusive.

I would also like to respectively request that those of us in for the duration, not engage in the abusive rhetoric towards Lotus, its employees or management that I'm seeing in here. It's unnecessary and counter-productive. Let's keep the forum classy. It's currently THE premier forum for the Emira, and it would be nice if we could keep it that way.


When they get all the parts to complete and start shipping cars, they'll complete and start shipping cars. They'll let the people who's cars are complete know their cars are ready to be shipped. In the meantime, they're not communicating because there isn't anything solid or positive to communicate. As soon as there is, I expect we'll hear something. They're obviously being told things by their suppliers, that aren't happening as they were hoping. Passing that on to us through unfulfilled promises is worse I think, than if they just keep silent while working through all the difficulties.

This is the way it is right now. We all know this. Either hunker down, be patient until it gets sorted out, or save yourself the horror of it all, and cancel and go somewhere else. If you've already placed an order, contact Lotus and politely request to cancel due to the situation. I say POLITELY because I know from personal experience how employees react in giving concessions to customers who are nice and ask politely, versus those who rant and rave and use abusive language. You're far more likely to get your order cancelled by being polite and considerate (even if you don't feel that way) than by being hostile and abusive.

I would also like to respectively request that those of us in for the duration, not engage in the abusive rhetoric towards Lotus, its employees or management that I'm seeing in here. It's unnecessary and counter-productive. Let's keep the forum classy. It's currently THE premier forum for the Emira, and it would be nice if we could keep it that way.

Thank you.
Did not Nero fiddle whilst Rome burned?

There is a vast difference between criticism and abuse.

The culture of any company is set by it's senior management.

Lotus cannot help the delays. We understand that. They can, however, communicate with their clientele to set expectations, whatever the problems might be.
They have part-built some of cars in the first batch - I'd heard rumours of 25-30 about two weeks ago. They can't finish and deliver them until some ancillary parts are delivered - things like sun visors, tailpipe finishers and washer fluid caps.

If those shortage parts turn up then in theory they could complete those cars very quickly.

I don't know if they're still building incomplete cars with the parts they do have, to stockpile more of the 120 in batch one. I heard yesterday there was very little activity in the production hall and possibly a temporary shutdown. Lotus used to do a summer shutdown every year for two weeks, so may have gone ahead with that to get staff holidays out of the way before more parts turn up.

As we all keep saying, Lotus please just tell us what's going on.
I know someone who works on the V6 engines on production line in the factory.
He loosely keeps me up-to-date with certain things. Last week and this week has been the "two week summer shutdown" however some workers were offered double pay to stay in work to carry on certain production.
He's also sent me Pics of lines of nearly completed cars.
I know someone who works on the V6 engines on production line in the factory.
He loosely keeps me up-to-date with certain things. Last week and this week has been the "two week summer shutdown" however some workers were offered double pay to stay in work to carry on certain production.
He's also sent me Pics of lines of nearly completed cars.

Yes, i was in Norfolk this week and last week. On talking to my many customers, telling them i have an Emira on order, they said are you sure, do you really want to have any dealings with them. According to them, they have an history of saying they will do things and promising the earth and not, sorry about the pun, delivering. From what i have heard, the locals wouldn't touch them with a barge poll. I dont know about you guys, but it sure gave something to think about.
If thats the only thing they told you negative re lotus, then I would not worry too much for various reasons, 1. you know its kind of true already as we are all here moaning for that very reason, nothing new there. 2. They have been making cars for more than half a century, although maybe not always here (I say here as I am here almost at hethel ! ;)) and if the locals only complaint is they make promises they dont keep, well, our country is run by people doing the same and has been since I was born, so thats small fry, dont worry!
Is Eagle 🦅 7 a Lotus employee 🤔🤨
Can someone please tell us when the Eagle 🦅 is landing or has it been lost in outer space 🪐 never to come home to Daddy 🚗 . Trouble is we’ve got to much time on our hands we’ve succumbed to typical British humour to help pass the time in the desert 🌵 of communication, as we should all be out riding for miles revving the …. Off our gorgeous Emiras and there all gonna look like brothers and sisters 👯‍♀️ On the road seen as Lotus didn’t give us enough colour choices & wheels 🛞 designs 😕
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Shouldn't that be Stuttgart syndrome?
Is Eagle 🦅 7 a Lotus employee 🤔🤨
Can someone please tell us when the Eagle 🦅 is landing or has it been lost in outer space 🪐 never to come home to Daddy 🚗 . Trouble is we’ve got to much time on our hands we resorted to usual British humour to help pass the time in the desert 🌵 of communication, as we should all be out riding for miles revving the …. Off our gorgeous Emiras and there all gonna look like brothers and sisters 👯‍♀️ On the road seen as Lotus didn’t give us enough colour choices & wheels 🛞 designs 😕

Now I wish I had stuttgart syndrome.
If thats the only thing they told you negative re lotus, then I would not worry too much for various reasons, 1. you know its kind of true already as we are all here moaning for that very reason, nothing new there. 2. They have been making cars for more than half a century, although maybe not always here (I say here as I am here almost at hethel ! ;)) and if the locals only complaint is they make promises they dont keep, well, our country is run by people doing the same and has been since I was born, so thats small fry, dont worry!
Yes mate, you have a point there. Not just Lotus, our politicians promise the earth and dont deliver, mainly at election time. Funny that.
Now for those who say Lotus should not say / communicate anything until there is something to communicate, I also disagree.
Any relationship, even a business one like ours as customers with the provider Lotus is based on communication.
I would still be married if our communication was better, and if she didn't gain 20 kilos, wasnt unfaithful, an alcoholic and was a better time keeper, but the main thing is always communication.
A family relationship, any partnership, all and any relationships function by or are improved by good communication, EVEN if sometimes that communication is "pointless" and goes nowhere, its still communication, it still shows you care and mean something to the other side of the relationship.

I think we are all feeling as if we mean nothing to Lotus and thats a shame as its a negative in the relationship which should be a positive and this relationship should be nurtured so that we enjoy our Lotus experience (tomorrow) and that we talk about Lotus and recommend Lotus and buy from Lotus again.

Hence, Lotus do really need to pull their fingers out and start treating their customers as important parts in their plans as without us, they will fail and Hethel will lose its factory and jobs as Geeeeeeeleyyy will soon find out if customers and journalists are unhappy and they will not hesitate in shaking the whole thing up, its certainly what I would be doing.

Anyway, no more ribbing Lotus as I am now 10 mins away from there and looking forward to driving the damn EMIRA tomorrow !!!... Dont you guys ruin my day... telling me Hethel locals things Lotus is full of pitch fork farmers, or that Matt W could not get wet if he fell in a pond, I need positivity !!!...

Having said that, I for one will 100% write a polite but scathing email next week to said Matt W if no communication comes from lotus CS (coming soon) next week and I suggest everyone who complains on this forum (like me) does the same as complaining amongst ourselves maybe makes us feel better but it gets us nowhere, as we are nowhere. So lets take some small action and all get in touch with Lotus and not just to CS, be brave and go for the big guns.

Anyway soon time for bed as its a big full LOTUS DAY tomorrow. I'd say I cant wait, but from what I have heard its only about 1.5 hours in the cars during the 8 hours on site, which is a bit poor for 1000 squid, but hey ho, im here, may as well do it :).
(no, ive never been married)
Is Eagle 🦅 7 a Lotus employee 🤔🤨
Can someone please tell us when the Eagle 🦅 is landing or has it been lost in outer space 🪐 never to come home to Daddy 🚗 . Trouble is we’ve got to much time on our hands we resorted to usual British humour to help pass the time in the desert 🌵 of communication, as we should all be out riding for miles revving the …. Off our gorgeous Emiras and there all gonna look like brothers and sisters 👯‍♀️ On the road seen as Lotus didn’t give us enough colour choices & wheels 🛞 designs 😕
Well put. Quick question, do you still have the R8?
Yes, i was in Norfolk this week and last week. On talking to my many customers, telling them i have an Emira on order, they said are you sure, do you really want to have any dealings with them. According to them, they have an history of saying they will do things and promising the earth and not, sorry about the pun, delivering. From what i have heard, the locals wouldn't touch them with a barge poll. I dont know about you guys, but it sure gave something to think about.
I lived in Norfolk for half of my life and I'm sure that the local disenchantment stems from the mass redundancies when sales stalled, particularly in Chapman's time. There's a line in Tony Rudd's book, It Was Fun, when Chapman had flown into Hethel, seen all of the cars in the employees car park and demanded immediate redundancies. The rest, I'm sure is heresay, based on older Lotus reported reliability issues.
Now for those who say Lotus should not say / communicate anything until there is something to communicate, I also disagree.
Any relationship, even a business one like ours as customers with the provider Lotus is based on communication.
I would still be married if our communication was better, and if she didn't gain 20 kilos, wasnt unfaithful, an alcoholic and was a better time keeper, but the main thing is always communication.
A family relationship, any partnership, all and any relationships function by or are improved by good communication, EVEN if sometimes that communication is "pointless" and goes nowhere, its still communication, it still shows you care and mean something to the other side of the relationship.

I think we are all feeling as if we mean nothing to Lotus and thats a shame as its a negative in the relationship which should be a positive and this relationship should be nurtured so that we enjoy our Lotus experience (tomorrow) and that we talk about Lotus and recommend Lotus and buy from Lotus again.

Hence, Lotus do really need to pull their fingers out and start treating their customers as important parts in their plans as without us, they will fail and Hethel will lose its factory and jobs as Geeeeeeeleyyy will soon find out if customers and journalists are unhappy and they will not hesitate in shaking the whole thing up, its certainly what I would be doing.

Anyway, no more ribbing Lotus as I am now 10 mins away from there and looking forward to driving the damn EMIRA tomorrow !!!... Dont you guys ruin my day... telling me Hethel locals things Lotus is full of pitch fork farmers, or that Matt W could not get wet if he fell in a pond, I need positivity !!!...

Having said that, I for one will 100% write a polite but scathing email next week to said Matt W if no communication comes from lotus CS (coming soon) next week and I suggest everyone who complains on this forum (like me) does the same as complaining amongst ourselves maybe makes us feel better but it gets us nowhere, as we are nowhere. So lets take some small action and all get in touch with Lotus and not just to CS, be brave and go for the big guns.

Anyway soon time for bed as its a big full LOTUS DAY tomorrow. I'd say I cant wait, but from what I have heard its only about 1.5 hours in the cars during the 8 hours on site, which is a bit poor for 1000 squid, but hey ho, im here, may as well do it :).
(no, ive never been married)
Well put mate, have a good day tomorrow. Don't forget to report back to you fellow deposit holders about your day. You learn something everyday, CS is short for coming soon.
Shouldn't that be Stuttgart syndrome?

Medical Definition of Stuttgart disease

: canine leptospirosis
especially : a severe highly contagious form of canicola fever marked by predominantly renal infection with nephritis and uremia, intense calf diphtheria, and bloody vomit and diarrhea and commonly leading to collapse and death

ouch. I'll give that one a miss!!
I feel sorry for the first people who get their cars because if they aren't on the forum 24/7 for at least two weeks they are gonna literally get run out of here. Folks ready to turn into automotive cannibals. If you are scheduled to get your car first; Take off work, tell your wife and your dog that for two weeks you will be doing two things: Driving the damn car and answering questions on this forum. You see, I am in BASE camp so I am not sniffing a car for a while so I am willing to start manipulating those who are getting cars first because radio silence on the forum will not be allowed. Tell me about the wheel gap and tell me now.

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