Not sure if I’m just in a bad mood, but today is the first time since I began this process last July that I am super f***ing pissed off now.
Not been too phased by the delays, lack of information available, low levels of communication so far etc but to send out comms only a month or so ago saying delayed by a month only to potentially multiple that in the coming weeks. Don’t make promises or assurances you can’t keep, sending out emails that your car will be June/July build ready for August and then CS calling about handover details - only to flip it on its head a few weeks later is so unprofessional.
Rant over
we are all entitled to rant... and yes, you are right, although the post below yours is also right. Lotus have, and I am sure are doing a good job with a new car and a new factory, staff, suppliers etc and with all the world's troubles causing issues all over the place, in terms of both parts and prices and even perhaps staff.
However, what is clear, despite Lotus's good work, is that they are not managing the whole situation that well when it comes to painting the picture to its customers, as many of us have said and continue to say. Even this week at Goodwood when they give the message people can ask at goodwood or can call Lotus for the latest info, this was incorrect, as over the phone they didnt have that info, although one person seems to have got something. How many times are they going to shoot themselves in the foot. Its not a big deal of course, we will, some of us, get an email next week, but just check your facts before you go telling customers certain things, cross the t's and dot the i's a little more.
I understand it is a difficult picture to paint, but that in itself is painting a picture... I'd rather have a magma red picture painted badly than no picture at all, and I'd also rather have a bad magma red picture than entirely the wrong DV picture which then needs to be changed on a regular basis, if anyone follows that.
It was from the start, always better to give us worse news than maybe and hopefully correct news and then disappoint us, time and time again. Dear customer, We currently have a 6 month delay due to xxx, yyy, zzzz, we will give you a monthly update on whether this is brought forward or pushed back.. how hard would that have been?
Spring deliveries delayed by 6 months (october)... and then the good news, first customer cars delivered 2 months early in August!! Better than Spring, wrong, then June, wrong, then July, wrong, then September... maybe.
Its common sense and its being managed badly with no excuses for not using some basic customer service management of expectations. As others have said, get the bad news out there asap..... and if you are not sure about it, well get it out anyway, as its always better to give good news at the end, rather than more bad news...
Likewise rant over..for the moment