Dashcam for the Emira

I’m wanting to get the full 360 sentry mode. I know there are aftermarket solutions out there but has anyone experienced one firsthand?
Considering the Garmin Mini 2.
Is there a “shortie” cable out there that hides well?
Get one with a 90 degree connector then you can hide the cable into the horizontal vents
I just picked one up during some minor black Friday sales. Wife has been using mini2 in her car for a while now.
So I was hoping to put it behind the passenger side of the mirror, but there appears to be a sensor there…anyone know what it’s for?

Reasonably discrete and the LEDs aren’t in my field of view. Cable could hide a bit better, but sorted for now…

Garmin Mini 2
Reasonably discrete and the LEDs aren’t in my field of view. Cable could hide a bit better, but sorted for now…

Garmin Mini 2
View attachment 56736
That looks nicely done and discrete. Is the camera bracket glued to the windshield or to the rear of the plastic mirror cover? The only downside for my case, since I have tint film on the inside part of my windshield, is that I want to avoid glueing anything strong to it, particularly because later on I may want to remove it.
Yes, sticky pad to the glass… Not sure if the bracket has enough range to work on the plastic housing….
Yes, sticky pad to the glass… Not sure if the bracket has enough range to work on the plastic housing….
Cool thanks. I think I could make an adapter to bridge to that cover, if a longer extension is needed. .

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