Same. My 4.39 was with a draggy, on a cold day as stated above. I’m not stock thou with the 440 JUBU so will be interesting to see everyone’s best numbers. I will be going with the 460 JUBU probably late spring early summer so will do times on the 440 first then the 460.
I just did two runs with my dragy.
First one was just to try to get a handle on launch technique (I normally never launch aggressively as I hate thrashing my cars in 1st), and to see if I could actually do the run on what was a pretty short stretch of road.
Second run I tried a bit harder.
There was a laughable amount of wheel spin (so I definitely need to work on my technique) and a pretty ordinary 1st to 2nd gear-change, but even so I got 4.88 for the 0-60, or 4.63 with a 1ft rollout.
Bearing in mind that is the first time I’ve ever tried a “proper” launch in any of my cars and I only did two runs I’m happy enough with that.
I have no doubt that with a better driver on a better road the published figures would be achievable, but you’d probably have to thrash the car in a way that I don’t really like doing.
I’ll have another go in a few days on a better, longer road and see if I can reduce the wheel spin and improve my gear change.
My car is totally stock. Sport / Goodyears.
About half a tank of fuel and temp of 30C just now.