Okay.. for all of you who asked on and off line, I got an answer.... had to work for it, but the 54 car owner youtuber will not be keeping the car due to....
" Car is extremely average. Looks nice though. Buy a lambo 100% not even close in comparison. "
Yes, I/we all know/ tis not a fair or realistic comparison to mention a lambo, but I imagine he has driven other harder core Lotus's too and this car although newer and with better tech, inside the cabin at least, simply isn't as exciting or engaging as their other offerings have been. This has been said many times, even if you ignore me, which is recommendable at the best of times.
I do slightly wonder about Harry...who is certainly in and not out and therefore is perhaps a stand out, not the norm, along with a couple of others.
To investigate a little more into Mr. H M, he is a lotus fan from 30 /40 years ago and did his hill climbing in his Elan, so he has a long lasting affection for the marque / brand / make / fabrica etc. Is it possible that after the many disappointments that Lotus have had/produced since the Elan, that he is just happy to have something even close to what he wants / believes Lotus should have made 7/10 years ago? Is he also compelled to help them move forward by his emotional connection; the Elan will never leave the garage, but will the Emira...... not this year for sure, its a bit too early to say that its a long termer though...time will tell.
Only Harry knows how this car really compares with the numerous cars he comes across, and its pure conjecture on my part (dont use that word very often..although I do perform the act), but his opinions on the car overall are in some ways at odds with his peers, at least his peers who have not bought the car.
A bit off topic, but in terms of reasons for not buying the car, still on topic..... Shmiieeezzzzy has bought the car and is from a wealthy UK family and no doubt, like us all, would like to see Lotus do well. Not surprising he bought the car, but we must also remember that these Youtubers, the ones like him who make a living from youtube, and I would put Harry into that category also (I accept he has savings and investments, but his farm does not afford him to have a 15 car garage, his 15 car garage affords him to have a 15 car garage!), well they put out videos that get watched and hence make money. Harrys end of year resume shows this and disappoints him that his Lancia does not get the views he'd like as its his real favourite for the moment.
My point is, they can see the Lotus has a huge UK following and it therefore makes sense to make content relating to the car and makes little sense to be too crtitical of it as that would turn people away. So I wonder how much this also plays/will play on their online opinions. I personally believe he is not perhaps as happy as he lets on and he has not mentioned the seats again has he? Again conjecture.... twice in a day.
Final final point, people revel in Harry's words and encouragement for the Emira, the Lotus has beautiful handing, steering, truly wonderful.... whatever words he used, which were not those words, but then they forget he takes a mclaren or gt4 or 911 touring out and uses even stronger wording to describe their cars attributes. They want to believe that he would chose the Emira and did chose the Emira over these cars as it is better, but thats simply not the case, he did it as he has this connection to the brand, the "romantic" side of the brand, he wants it to succeed, and for the views also. A GT4 RS is way too hard core for a 70 year old in general and the mrs, a gt4 has been done thousands of times, so no click bate there. 992 touring, I think he would LOVE to have, but its around 3 times the price and cant be justified as again, wont get the views and does not fulfil the connection he wants with Lotus and their UK fan base.
Anyway, there are always many opinions.... its not a surprise to me that Harry likes the car, its also not a surprise and Mark Mccann doesnt rate it at all, but each to their own. Again, its a viable alternative to other 70k cars out there...