Fitting a battery conditioner... Do's and Don'ts

I recall seeing a post from someone that had installed a bulkhead connector under the car rather than in the boot.
Of course, I failed to bookmark it...can someone point me in the right direction?
Thank You!
That was prob me. Here are some old pictures. I’ve since redesigned the bracket with a screw-on top so that the internals are sealed.

This is the kit I used


That was prob me. Here are some old pictures. I’ve since redesigned the bracket with a screw-on top so that the internals are sealed.

This is the kit I used

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Glad to see you jumped on this @silent cilantro. I was looking at this solution a couple of weeks ago, because I am not fond of the idea of rigging the lock to "trick' the car into thinking the back deck was fully closed. Any chance of a write-up on par with the one I received from you with my wireless phone charging tray? (he says with both sets fingers crossed at a white knuckle level 😁)
Haha I can write something up when I get the car back. It’s at the dealer for service. It’s pretty simple.
That was prob me. Here are some old pictures. I’ve since redesigned the bracket with a screw-on top so that the internals are sealed.

This is the kit I used

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Just warning, I went through two of these kits with my lotus evora, and they both failed due to corrosion, same location, even though the car rarely saw rain. Ended up stranded on the highway in limp mode, so be sure to check it is charging properly. I gave up.
Just warning, I went through two of these kits with my lotus evora, and they both failed due to corrosion, same location, even though the car rarely saw rain. Ended up stranded on the highway in limp mode, so be sure to check it is charging properly. I gave up.

* * * * *
Never had any problem........


I did experience corrosion, I had to open the magnetic connector and clean it out to get it to work again.

That’s why I changed the design of the bracket to a screw-on top. It has a hole on the top for the cables which I then sealed with silicone. No issues since.
Any thoughts on this:

I picked my car up on Friday from the dealer. I don’t know what state the battery was in. I drove it 130 miles. On Saturday I started the car without issue and moved it on the drive. I then cleaned it for a good 4-5 hours. The doors and boot were open for a good couple of hours. I got in the car Sunday and the dash said low battery, system switching off. I then rigged up a temporary charging cable to the battery and the charger stated that the battery was between 25% and 50% charged. It was on charge for about 20 minutes. I then Decided I might as well put a permanent connector on the battery so I can just plug it in. It was still reading 25% to 50% charged. I fitted the permanent connections to the battery (positive on terminal, negative on battery tray clamp). As soon as I plugged it in, the charger showed 100% charged. I’ve checked the wiring and it’s correct.

So a few questions! 1. After the long drive I’m amazed the car said ‘low battery’ as a couple of hours with the interior lights on surely wouldn’t make that much difference? 2. Did my charger also give me a poor reading at first (but seems too much of a coincidence that the car and charger showed low battery charge)? 3. Is there a way you can tell if the charger is actually charging the battery?

The simple solution to this is running the battery charger cable under the rear deck lid (glass) where it vents for the engine hot air (you know, where the water goes when you wash the car) -- then you can close your trunk without worry.
Just hooked up the Lotus supplied battery tender. I connected the eyelets to the battery nuts, and Dremelled a little cutout on the battery cover to run the wire. I didn't fully close the trunk just to be easy on the trunk rubber seal.

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