I’m building a fully custom Infotainment UI

This one. I'd pay someone to make a render of my car. I just want to know if your mod allows us to change the image file.
Unless I've misunderstood, and @Sentinel is a leet haxor, this replaces the stock Android Auto UI... you won't be able to ride roughshod over the rest of the infotainment UX.

This looks like a fun little project. Nice work (y)

(*hides patiently behind seven proxies, fearing a smackdown from Leet Haxor Sentinel)
Unless I've misunderstood, and @Sentinel is a leet haxor, this replaces the stock Android Auto UI... you won't be able to ride roughshod over the rest of the infotainment UX.

This looks like a fun little project. Nice work (y)

(*hides patiently behind seven proxies, fearing a smackdown from Leet Haxor Sentinel)
Wow. My thanks to ADC for introducing me to the wonderful world of "leetspeak" or some version of it. I had to look up "leet haxor", then "leetspeak" to understand the post just made. You can tell I'm not a "gamer".

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