Interestingly, the JUBU 440 makes the same peak torque, and does so through a good chunk of the rev range, so in reality, without messing with ratios & stuff, that 440 is going to pull just as hard in each (std) gear as the 460. only in that very upper rpm would the 460 be any better.
If you choose the higher rev limiter (7200) with the 440, at least you get a more flexible band, where it might be nice to rev out a little more (between corners for example, sticking with a gear, rather than having to shift?) with the same (500 ish) nm throughout most of the range. I think the 440 is pretty good value. Not to mention you get to kick out that awful abrupt rev-limiter that you inherit with the stock ECU.
Also, it's potentially 445/447 with the decat pipe.
440 gets my vote for VFM and potentially keeping your warranty.