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Insurance Options for US Market

I will add that I found an agreed-upon-value policy with my current insurance. It only had a mileage limit but was treated as standard car insurance in every other way. It was more expensive than the collector car policies, but fit my needs.
This I’m certain is also dependent on coverage limits/deductibles etc. Seems VERY out of line with other quotes which other members are posting. For that matter, for the privilege of owning an Emira in the great state of CT, I’ll be paying an additional $3100 a year in auto taxes. Rethinking this whole venture…..
And when people ask me why I work in Stamford but live in Texas…….that personal property tax is the biggest BS money grab I’ve aver heard of
Ok, reviving this thread since a lot of you must have already had insurance for a while. I am switching from Geico since they are wanting to charge me $3k/6mon. which is ridiculous. I got a quote from Hagerty for $3950/yr with 7500miles driven and the other is Grundy for $1400 with the same miles driven.

One is way less than the other but I have never dealt with either. Grundy makes me sign a waiver that states, I will not use the car as a backup or to run errands. Hagerty is not making me sign anything.

I got a call from Hagerty insurance agent to clarify why I put down 7500 miles and I explained to him that I intend to drive it on the weekends and even weekdays for pleasure. I work from home so the car sits in the garage and I also have another car to "daily". He was fine with that and I also put down $109,500 as the value of the car since that is what the cost I paid before all of the fees.

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