Insurance quotes in Ontario, Canada


Active member
Oct 31, 2022
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To all the owners who have taken delivery of their Emira in Ontario, Canada. Can you provide information on who you are insured with and the cost of your premiums?
I have two vehicles as a daily driver for my wife and I and the Emira is a seasonal 3rd vehicle.

I appreciate any input.
I’m with Economical. $2650 minus $300 for multi line discount = $2350 (house and other car with them). Then I pull it off the road for 6 months a year which drops it $1700. That’s with a 5k deductible. Dropping the deductible to 2k adds $300. Cheers.

Edit - just re-read and it’s confusing. I pay $1700 total for the year with it on the road half the time.
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Desjardin for $2940. Or $245/month. With winter storage and only keeping fire and theft $59 a month.

This is with 2500 deductible in Toronto. The Emira insurance seems very high compared to other toys.
Desjardin for $2940. Or $245/month. With winter storage and only keeping fire and theft $59 a month.

This is with 2500 deductible in Toronto. The Emira insurance seems very high compared to other toys.
I learned just how high it is today when I called to put insurance on. Ouch! $3200 annually. But, like you, it's only on the road for 6 months.
$1900 / year with TD Insurance in Alberta. Was the most pain I've ever had trying to insure the AMG variant. The VIN was causing issues in the system and took almost a week of back and forth to get the vehicle insured.
$1900 / year with TD Insurance in Alberta. Was the most pain I've ever had trying to insure the AMG variant. The VIN was causing issues in the system and took almost a week of back and forth to get the vehicle insured.
I just went thru this exact same thing in Ontario.
Except in was quoted $3200.

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