

Emira Fan
Oct 13, 2023
Reaction score
Boise, ID
My Emira is at the dealer and I am going to pick it up on the 7th. Can people share where they got insurance? I have Progressive for our current vehicles, but they don't list Lotus as a brand they insure. Love to hear who others have selected/use here in the USA.
NJM, $1847/year, Big city in Maryland. My regular insurance is Erie and they wanted $5k just for my Emira which was more than my X5, 430GC, and Cherokee combined.
NJM here too. ~$1500/year with $1000 deductible. My home and R8 is also with them which may have discounted the premium.
I am using Progressive, no restrictions, excellent high $ coverage for two drivers (even for rentals and the like), $500 deductible in Palm Beach where they assume a stolen car is out of the country by the time you report it, because of the ports - $1250/yr (just the Emira, no bundle)

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