JUBU Group Buy 15% discount

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Yes keep you guys posted they are flying to most of us to update the ECU bc the CAN data is different from the models they had in Europe. They have to open the ECU for the update. After this all tunes going forward will be right according to them so this first group going through the rough stages.

Everyone should be getting the update by the end of next week.

Mine hasn’t been bad after 2 remote sessions but the new update will fix all remaining issues.

I’ll circle back after the update and share my personal experience and the new update. Others can do the same as well if they choose to share.

Did you install the 440 or 460?

Trying to install mine.. but its not that easy, not sure how my hands will fit in there. If anyone has a workshop manual page to access/remove/replace the ecu, id be happy then to make a video of the install for the group here.
Did you install the 440 or 460?

Trying to install mine.. but its not that easy, not sure how my hands will fit in there. If anyone has a workshop manual page to access/remove/replace the ecu, id be happy then to make a video of the install for the group here.
Not a constructive comment, but I laughed when I saw a post saying the the ECU was a 15 minute swap out.
Did you install the 440 or 460?

Trying to install mine.. but its not that easy, not sure how my hands will fit in there. If anyone has a workshop manual page to access/remove/replace the ecu, id be happy then to make a video of the install for the group here.
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  • #85
Did you install the 440 or 460?

Trying to install mine.. but its not that easy, not sure how my hands will fit in there. If anyone has a workshop manual page to access/remove/replace the ecu, id be happy then to make a video of the install for the group here.
It’s the 440 and yeah they say it can be done through the engine bay but unless you have long skinny arms is the only way.

I went through the left wheel well. Took about and hour and half start to finish but I wasn’t trying to rush it. I’m sure you can do it in an hour that way.

They are going to uninstall my ECU when they update it so they will be doing it the “15 min” way through the engine bay so I will try to video it or take pictures.
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  • #86
I don't even know where to begin, other than telling you I always write on these forums on my phone but for this one I had to pull out my laptop. :) I will try to capture what's happened from the start, share some experiences in our private group chat to what has recently happened with the new major firmware update. Grab a cup of coffee and enjoy!

I will start by saying, I have tuned and upgraded so many cars over the years, had many different tuners and performance shops all over the country but I have never had a company go above and beyond to ensure their customers were happy with their product like JUBU. The best way to judge and evaluate any company is when things go wrong (and at some point, they will), how do they respond? (More on this later)

I knew the moment I test drove the Emira and placed my order I would be tuning it. So, this journey for me started in January 2024 when I started communicating with Martin (Owner) at JUBU. I didn't even have my car yet and I was going back and forth with so many emails on products they offer specially on the tuning side as I knew that's where my modifications would start. We were communicating through email for months while I was doing research on our options for tuning, I came to a conclusion that this is the best "plug & play" (More on this later) solution out there. I saw tuners in other countries tuning the Emira with more HP & TQ than JUBU but the reliability with these isn't there. Their experience is not specific to Lotus, and they were giving the customer the max they could do with no regards to the repercussions. JUBU limits TQ to 500 Nm in their 440 and 460 kits for this reason. They have tested and broken shit, so we don't have to. I am no engineer or mechanic but the level of experience and information JUBU has with Lotus products helped me solidify my decision.

So, like all of us on this forum I wanted a discount lol ;), so I opened up this page for a group buy. The original agreement with Martin and JUBU was 10 people group would get us 15% discount, but since we were the first group and the first in the states, they accepted 6 of us! Boy were we all so happy! We started a private group chat with us 6 and started to iron out the details in early June, by the end of July to early August everyone had their ECU in hand!

If anything in real life is like, "A Christmas Story" when Ralphie gets his Red Ryder BB gun this is it lol. "You''ll shoot your eye out kid" Well that was us! :ROFLMAO:You can all laugh its ok we made it out alive. The excitement was at an all-time high, we were all chatting and seeing who and when would be installing theirs and loving life with the new POWER!

First couple installs came in and feedback below, sharing some not all to keep this long post shorter. The 6 were spread out, we had Kuwait, Canada, North Carlina, New Hampshire, Minnesota and California. (more on this later of who had the most issues based on location, really more to the CAN data related issue) I will list all issues below as well that at least 1 member encountered if not multiple so it's easy to read.

(No names just numbers)

Member 1

"Installation was through the left side rear wheel well, I think installing through the engine bay is not possible unless you have abnormally long arms.

First 4-5 times we started it, it refused to maintain idle and would immediately shut off. It eventually caught and stayed on. Idled rough for a few minutes and then settled. I think that's where the learning part comes in, I hope over the next few days it becomes smooth.

The only especially weird part was that the AC compressor randomly stops working and the AC blows hot air. It would work again if restarted, but then go off a few minutes later. That's a pretty big deal for me, I'm assuming it also part of the ECU learning so I'm going to give it a few days, and then contact JUBU.

Also it seems JUBU forgot to add the auto hold 😓

Now the good news....the car pulls significantly harder, It's the way it should have come from Lotus. It's genuinely quick and I scared my significant other when going to redline 😁"

Member 2

"Finished up the install earlier today. It probably took me 1-1.5 hrs mostly because I was super cautious and needed to figure out basic stuff like: how the heck one removes the damn ECU plugs. I initially tired going through the engine bay, but that proved impossible. Ended up going through the driver-side wheel well—and boy those retaining clips/screws can be a pain!

I was happy when the car fired up. I expected it to be rough on the first start, but to my surprise, it didn’t stall. Then, I went on a drive and immediately stalled trying to reverse. Made it to the end of my driveway and stalled. Went on a short drive and stalled again when shifting into neutral before a stop. I lost count of how many times the engine stalled on its own during the initial drive. Car ran like absolute dog shit. Whenever I’d go WOT, it would hesitate and then go. Sometimes it would pull harder than the stock ECU, which showed its potential.

I have the eventuri intake, 3rd cat delete, and exhaust valve controller, and I couldn’t help but notice that the burps and burbles are mostly gone, sadly. It sounds like shit right now, if I’m being honest.

At one point the check engine light appeared after a stall. Shutting the car off and firing up again seemed to clear it. I can’t say I’m pleased thus far, to say the least. I’m REALLY hoping it’s a matter of the ECU adjusting itself."

"Drive #2: Let the engine idle for a few minutes (5?) before taking it for a spin. It performed about the same. This time around I noticed that quick stabs of the throttle without any previous load causes it to bog down….and then go after a while. Also noticed issues with the A/C where it wouldn’t run despite showing as being turned on."

"3rd drive report: I think I made the realization that each mode is its own map (perhaps?) and likely warrants learning. The cold start this morning was rough, and it stalled out a few times at the beginning. Once it warmed up, it performed way better. I did use Track Mode as a way to get the floor revs up a bit and prevent stalling out. Switching back to Touring/Sport was a bit rougher but it seems to be continuously improving but not quite there yet. WOT sometimes has its hiccups between shifts. Still getting the frequent lag during throttle jabs."

"4th drive: Way better than the last few runs. Climate was warmer and I beat on the car pretty hard. Not a single stall!!! Rough idle is nearly gone. Car still hiccups every now and then, but I can tell it’s pulling harder. I’ve been switching drive modes, and they’re all behaving better. It’s so close but not quite there yet; however, I’m really happy with the marked improvement over the initial drives. Still having issue with the AC compressor, launch mode popping up at random, nearly no exhaust overruns, and no auto-blip to speak of. I also noticed the redline indicator coming down to around 4-5k rpms when I’m stopped but then quickly jumps back up to 7k once I get moving. (I do have the 7200 rpm limit)."

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Member 3

"Here is what I have experience so far.

Install was a pain still through the wheel well and took me about 1:30-2hrs start to finish. Had to figure out how to unplug the connectors and didn’t want to break them so I have to research that and took my time. I also installed the 3 washers under the new ECU. From the picture on the install this looks where they want you to install these. Then I ran the Ethernet cable behind the intake and out by the windshield wiper fluid and left it there until I finished the install. Their installation could have been a lot more detailed for sure but I got it done and felt excited….

Then first start. Started and then stalled right away. I did this 5-6 times. Then I decided to start it and give it some throttle to keep alive for it to catch itself. It worked and let off the throttle and it stayed alive. Was little rough after I let off so I decided to switch it to track mode to raise the rpm by itself. I let the car run for about 5 minutes before moving it and taking for a quick drive.

First drive

Track mode only. It drove fine you can it’s learning a little but nothing crazy happened. I took it 6k rpm 2nd and 3rd. I do still have crackles like before, idk if identical yet bc the drive was really like 7 minutes. You do have to give it more throttle now to get going vs OEM you can let off the clutch and it will move itself. Confirmed that the automatic brake release is not there. Autoblip there but it’s so quick and only when you’re on the brake, so I have to figure this one out or ask JUBU. Rpm shows max at 5k when not moving, idk why it does that. 7k is the max redline when moving and I also have the 7,200. I didn’t test shift light as I didn’t take it to redline yet. No “launch” light appeared that I could see.

*The only thing that concerns me right now is the noise that’s it’s making when off. It doesn’t stop goes on and off on a loop. I disconnected the battery and it stopped so idk what that is. Waiting on JUBU to help me here.*

Second drive

Played with touring and sport along with track. Again short drive (bc I’m concerned on this Ethernet cord is getting too hot, I ran it to the back over the battery. It’s the best place I can find besides putting it over ECU and having to access wheel well for remote sessions which would be a pain.) touring and sport were definitely jerky so I have to drive in these modes more but track felt a little better not much.

Today I plan on going for a longer drive if I can and I’ll report back. I might just wrap the Ethernet wire in electrical tape. The wire says +85 Celsius so 185 Fahrenheit but idk if that’s high enough for our engine bays which feel super hot.

I didn’t test the AC or hear the beeping noise. I had the windows open on each drive so I will test those today if I take the car out.

Hope we all get our cars perfect and enjoying the added power. From what I could tell it has a lot more kick but I didn’t beat on it like I usually do so will have to fully open it up and see the gains claimed."

"Drive 3.

Let it run for 5 minute again couple in tour and couple in sport then track last. Drove it just a little longer this time. Again mainly on track mode. Car definitely feels strong and pulls hard. The autoblip only works when you hit the brake and you have to be quick like your on a track. Makes sense but not what they said.

The “launch” popped up for me and I got it to replicate. It’s when you are pressing the clutch in and hit the throttle like a manual rev match. Annoying thing to display to be honest, like feels like sloppy Tuning bc why would I launch it when I’m going moving?

Ac worked fine for me.

I heard the beeping a couple times and it’s happens when you get closer to rev limiter. I think this is part of the Bluetooth and I assume we can turn this feature off, or so I hope.

Drive 2 and 3 I turned off in sport and tour and each mode didn’t have the engine continue running. My speculation this is track only to cool down to let the supercharger come to a lower temp slower.

No overruns on sport or tour but track is as much if not more than before.

Car still makes that noise when it’s off. So weird I have to unplug the battery and plug it back in to stop. But if I open the car door it wakes up and does it again on a loop."

Member 4

"I just took my car for a rip. I was on vacation for about 9 days.

I started the car up and revved it up a bit, and I somehow got the warning that says:

"Contact your service center for regular checkup of the SOS call service system."

Not sure if this is related to the JUBU or not.

Anyway, I took the car for a rip. It continues to idle low. I drive it in track to keep the rpms up a bit. It def has more power, but the RPMs dip down a bit when pushing the gas pedal. I think we're all having this issue.

I think the more power with low RPMs causes some clutch wear or something, somehow, because I smell the clutch smell.

Does anyone else smell the smell? I hope that is not the issue.

I don't feel like I am being too hard on the car. But I am not sure if the more power is stressing the clutch or what."

Member 5

"I made it home. 2 hour drive back. Stalled it twice. When you put in the clutch the revs drop to nothing. Guess it has to learn the floor.

I discovered that if it does stall you can’t immediately restart the car because it won’t recognize the clutch. But if you lock the car, wait 10 minutes and then retry it seems to start every time.

AC now shuts off for me as well after 5-10 minutes of driving and won’t restart until nect ignition cycle. Annoying because it was a hot night.

Otherwise pretty smooth for a first drive."

After initial installs

So, I think by now you get the point that we were all frustrated, bc our expectations were super high plug and play! We were discussing do we push for a refund, contact our CC companies, ect! Also, bad timing on us and JUBU as they had their company vacation while we all decided to install these. I will say they were very responsive during this time, we just couldn't do remote sessions to fix these issues. They never had a flood of emails like this, according to them so this was a big issue they had to address that from my conversation they never experienced in the past.
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  • #88
Remote Sessions Experiences (just a couple)

Member 1

"I just had my remote tuning session with JUBU.

They've fixed the idle issues, my AC issues are better but not completely resolved, and the car still stalls if I let the revs fall too aggressively.

Apparently in 3 weeks there is a major update from Syveccs that covers a lot of bugs for the auto parking brake release, AC etc. They've downloaded my data to review over the weekend to see if in the interim they can improve stuff.

From my chat with the engineer, it seems their default tune is appropriate for the altitude in Austria/Europe, and they need to adjust for where the car actually is.

Took around 2 hours all in because we would have to stop, take a drive, then fine tune based on the readings.

Honestly I'm happy with how responsive JUBU is, and the car is steadily improving.

From where I stand the stock Lotus ECU still has unresolved gremlins of its own, and the JUBU is way more fun to drive."

Member 2

"Yeah the process was easy!

I downloaded WhatsApp as they advised to make it easier. I downloaded the team viewer which was easy. The Syvecs one mine wouldn’t download bc my McAfee kept saying virus detected so I have to turn that off to download and they was able to turn it back on.

Rene was the guy that remote logged in my computer that was plugged in to the cord on the ECU. I ran my wire along another line that goes out by the brake light and then I wrapped it up and attached to the bracket in the engine bay above where the battery sits.

It took about an hour start to finish. As he was logging in he asked me the complaints and he went to work on them while asking me to do some stuff, like turn ignition on, start it, close door and lock, etc.

Again I haven’t drove it, bad time with work and travel. I’ll be driving it Friday evening and report back but this is what they did. Once I drive it he wants me to do another remote session and take detailed notes of anything I notice or want changed/fixed.

***Btw we are the first ones in North America they have done so lots to learn with us they said and the next batch they would have learned from our live ECU data. The cool thing which he told me and I didn’t know is that they will fly to us individually if they can’t fix something remotely. Also as they make updates they will come to us for install. Example he gave me since I asked about it was the automatic park brake release. He said they should have that by late September along with other updates and then they would come to us to do the new major update with more features. No cost to us!***

• But the “launch” is gone. I tested it while it was parked. I saw the screen he was messing with since it’s on my computer and I did see it was activated so he deactivated it.

• He did adjust altitude since where I sit it’s lower than them. He said he made adjustments that would make the car not stall. Haven’t tested it but he let car run and was making all sorts of adjustments.

• 5k rpm max is normal while stationary and then raises as you move.

• autoblip is activated with brake and works best with driving the car fast and hitting brake as you would on a track. No other way around this like other OEM ones bc they have something in the gearbox.

• Told him about the gear changing thing which sometimes shows another number than what you’re going to. He ask was it when I shifted slow or fast I think it was slow. Will see if that has been fixed once I drive it.

• the beeping could be the Bluetooth he said but in my case that was caused the ECU to Turn on and off. He is said this is really strange and that took the most time. He recorded the session of it doing it and sent it to Syvecs. I had to unplug that on the ECU so I did it through the engine bay as time wasn’t on my side. It’s a really tight fit but I got it. So my Bluetooth is disconnected at the moment and it’s not doing the noise which was the fuel pump priming on and off. So he doesn’t know if it’s faulty most likely and they would send me a replacement Bluetooth which is annoying bc I would have to remove the one that’s glued and glue the new one. Will see they are working with Syvecs.

• Told him about the engine running after shut off. We shut it off in track and it didn’t do it so will see if that keeps up after a hard drive.

He also said there HP numbers are based on worst engines. So unlike others where their numbers are best case theirs is worst case which I thought was cool. The TQ they are strict on bc of internals so that’s capped but he said some engines can be 460-475. The 460 could be up to 500hp all depending on the engine as they are all unique as you guys know.

Update after 1st remote session I had on Wednesday.

The first start was fine, idle was steady but would flutter up and down. This was in default tour mode during start up. Switched to track mode the rest of the hour and half drive.

The idle/stall issue is little better but still needs more work.

The “launch” is completely gone.

The beeping I only heard 1 time and that was top of 2nd. I could not replicate it. Super annoying we can’t figure this one out yet.

Low speed shifting still shows other gears. Especially from 3rd to 4th.

Low speed low rpm in 2nd is jerky not that smooth like OEM.

***A new issue i think even thou I believe I experienced this before but didn’t beat on it this long and especially 1st gear. So 1st gear won’t go to redline and worse is when I shift after that 2nd gear has no power like limp mode and then picks back up as it climbs the rpm’s slowly.***

Power was great in other gears and car really kicks. 1st gear kicks hard but only issue is what I stated above. 1st kicked so hard I got the back end out big time on a small little turn. OEM never did that.

Looking forward to having them make more adjustments hopefully Monday will see."

Remote Session Conclusion

Some of us had success fixing majority of the issues first presented others still had issues after their remote session or sessions. The main issue was the CAN data in their euro cars were different from our specs and they were not aware of this. Yes, this is their fault but they didn't get this information from their Lotus contact so they thought CAN was the same. So, this led to many data transfer issues and translated in all the issues I am about to state.
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  • #89
ALL ISSUES FOUND (Initial Installs, in no particular order) For below (FRS= Fixed during remote session, Firmware = meaning the new update they had to open ECU)

  1. Rough idle (FRS & Firmare)
  2. Stalling (FRS & Firmware)
  3. Not starting (ECU learned and started, FRS helped this too)
  4. Clutch pedal not recognized (FRS & Firmware, only 1 member on this)
  5. Clutch smell (FRS)
  6. Limb mode (FRS & Firmware for some)
  7. Multiple dash lights for 1 member (FRS helped but new firmware main issue)
  8. Rpm drop when on throttle from a standstill, causing issues with stalling and poor driving off the line. (FRS & Firmware)
  9. "Launch Mode" popping up on dash when clutch in and hitting throttle (this is their launch control but only on automatic at the time, more on that later) this happened at standstill and in motion. (FRS)
  10. Standstill RPM showing 5k max redline, as you start to move it jumps up to 6,800 or 7k (7,200 only shows 7k max, they are still working on getting this to show the full 7,200 but they advised this before purchasing) (FRS) its a customer preference, so mine shows 7k at standstill now.
  11. PDC (park distance control) Activated during driving, would happen at the top of redline mainly in 2nd and 3rd and would scare you bc its loud and fast beeping! (new firmware fixed)
  12. Those with the 7200 tune had 6800 on 1st gear but it showed 7k redline, so we were hitting the hard limiter and when shifting to 2nd would be limb low power for couple seconds before picking back up. (FRS)
  13. Fuel pump priming after shut off and door closed, was going on a loop. This was the Bluetooth module as it was causing the ECU to turn on and off. Unplugged this and it stopped, we figured this out during remote session. Bluetooth an issue with Syvecs and they are refunding the money for those that got and new better one coming out Jan 2025 with GPS and F1 like traction control. (more to come on this will see)
  14. After shutting off engine, car would still run and not shut off for few minutes. (FRS but new firmware needed) This is random and only happen to a few of us just 1 or 2 times
  15. Ac not working properly (Firmware)
  16. Overruns gone for some (Still working on this, they added some to mine but will make 3-4 maps for this for me to test and then will be able to give to others)
  17. Gas milage incorrect (showing lower than what you actually have left to go) (Firmware)
  18. When shifting slower from gear to gear it will show other numbers, example going from 2nd to 3rd it might show 4,5 or 6 before going to 3rd. Only on slow shifts while in N. (Firmware)
  19. Hill hold not working (Firmware)
  20. Auto parking brake release (Firmware)
  21. Cruise control + buttons not working (Firmware)
  22. Miltek OEM controller button backwards, was closed in track and open in Tour & sport. So it was flipped not a big issue as I leave it open 99% of the time but nice to have that back which it is fixed. (Firmware)
I think that is the majority of the issues and hopefully have painted a good picture of all that has transpired during this first phase.

JUBU in person Visit

They have coordinated in person visits for 4 of the 6 members, 2 will send theirs to them in Austria and will update and send back, they will be covering the costs. They made the first visit to Boston to meet one of the members who had a phenomenal experience. See below.

"I just had the pleasure of having Martin and Rene spend some quality time on my car. Let me start off by saying that these guys flew into Boston from Austria (a 9+ hour flight) and met up with me on a Sunday afternoon to work around some challenging logistical constraints on my end. I offered to pick them up from their hotel and drove them to my place, which is about an hour away.

Once we arrived, they quickly began working. I had the Syvecs ECU on hand and OEM ECU installed in the Emira. Rene opened up the Syvecs ECU to expose a hidden USB port, which he then used to flash a new firmware. Martin and Rene replaced and updated the anti-tamper stickers and labeling accordingly. Rene performed some initial diagnostics with the OEM ECU in place, which came back clean, and he also checked to see if there were any software updates necessary from Lotus.

Side note: I was told that Syvecs has another update coming targeting November / December addressing what should be the remaining issues, but JUBU believes that January seems more realistic. The good news is that with the new firmware they will be installing this week, we should be able to perform future updates ourselves. (Yay!)

Over the past few days, I made it my mission to try and sort out just how the heck people can swap out the ECU from the engine bay. It took me around 3-ish HOURS to do the "10-minute" ECU swap. Granted, I needed to find the right tools, sockets, extensions, and work around the Eventuri intake, which I thought made things harder. I even loosened up the intake to try and make room to squeeze my arms through and around to reach those 3 deceiving nuts that just refused to cooperate. So, when it was time to swap in the Syvecs ECU back in, I challenged Rene to do the swap in under 10 minutes. I timed the whole thing. This magician was in and out in less than 2 minutes and 49 seconds!!!! That's removing the OEM ECU, swapping in the Syvecs, and popping out of the boot. By the way, the key to doing the swap is to jump inside the trunk / boot, remove the plastic trim on the left hand side to allow yourself extra room to reach, and using a short stubby ratchet with a deep socket to reach those 3 nuts. That's it. Magic!! I not only wanted to just share that this is possible, but also wanted to show that these guys truly know what the heck they're doing. They absolutely know their craft and these cars inside and out. They truly are deserving of praise.

Once the Syvecs ECU was in, Rene applied some tweaks from his laptop and we went for a 10-15 minute drive. Since Martin and Rene have driven several Emiras, I asked them to comment on how my shifter felt, since I had noticed some issues getting into 1st gear after installing GRPs short shifter (V1?). Due to personal constraints, I drove in a separate car and allowed Martin / Rene to drive the Emira. I thought this would also be good, as they should know these cars better than I--and they do! Once they were done tuning the car and validating everything, the first thing Rene says is: we need to fix that shifter--it sucks! He asked if I had some teflon-based lube and applied it to the shifter cable in 3 different spots (one at the base where the short-shifter assembly is and the other two behind the rubber pieces covering the cables) all while Martin was rowing through various gear sequences repeatedly.

I then took the car for a quick spin for the first time. What a difference!!! Seriously. First off, although fixing the shifter was outside of scope, it now shifts better than stock--it's buttery smooth by comparison. Wow! Stabbing the throttle now provides instantaneous response--the initial hesitation / bogging is gone entirely. Kicking out the rear takes far less effort now. No random Launch Mode popping up. Stalling issues have disappeared thus far. Mind you, I still need to test the car in cold-start scenarios more. Hill hold works. AC should now be in a closed loop.

They will be refunding me for the Bluetooth module. Apparently, there are new versions coming out soon-ish but they aren't out yet. I'm unsure if I'll pull the trigger on the new module once it's out, but I'll keep it in mind.

All in all, I just want to say that what they did for me and how they went about doing it truly resonated with me. They've truly gone above and beyond to remedy the issues we had, and I'm truly grateful and impressed by Martin, his people, and their products. They've got some new and exciting products in the works coming out real soon (full carbon seats and a 600-hp Emira). I rarely see (let alone write) positive write-ups, but this one is well deserved. Nice job, JUBU!!"

For me my experience was the same and couldn't say it any better!

I met them at their hotel and they did the work in the parking lot, Rene took just under 5 minutes to uninstall the JUBU ECU which was installed already, I didn't have it switched out like the other member. (Mine after the remote sessions wasn't bad at all, unlike some other members) They did video it so I can share that once they provide it.

What I appreciated was their attention to detail. They removed the faulty bluetooth module which is glued on top of the ecu, they removed it carefully and got all residue off, they had to open the ECU obviously for the firmware update and they removed all the black sealed silicone that was originally installed. After the Firmware was update they resealed it with new sealant perfectly!

We did some test drives with Rene in the passenger seat with his laptop plugged in to the ECU. Straight real turner stuff making on the fly changes! What was a surprise to me with this update was that now we have LAUNCH CONTROL! Its set at around 3,500 rpms and boy does it work!! It was low 60's here so traction little issue with cup 2 but this added feature was nice surprise. I have a draggy I have to get sometime on a good day and see what times I can get with this 440 and launch.

Car drives PERFECTLY and all major issues above are resolved. The only thing they will work on with me is overrun maps for those that like them, and he can have those for people that want it and not for those that don't. The autoblip is much improved, again this only works when you apply the brake as there is no gear sensor (They said they will try to create this but you can imagine install for having to put a sensor in our transmission, so idk if that's something I would pay for). Its only activated in track mode btw, but now it kicks higher and you don't have to be on the brake like before. Before it was under harder braking (like you would be doing on a track, makes sense) but most of us drive these on the road and have it un Track mode. So now you barely have to be on the brake and it activates. Also I asked about the hard limiter and they changed mine to a soft limiter. Not as easy on the engine but its better for me as I never liked the aggressive limiter. Note not hitting this very often at all but a few times I have like 2 its aggressive like OEM and I never liked that. Again, personal preference here but I like to know its soft if I ever hit it.

Lastly this tune is amazing on how it lowers the engine temperature. Prior to tuning OEM would get to 200 degrees, now the highest I have been driving is 181, that reduction is heat is amazing to see. And this is being on it!

Issues based on location (CAN related)

  1. Canada Spec- Most issues
  2. MN, NH & CA
  3. NC
  4. Kuwait- Least issues

Final Conclusion

Martin and Rene are such great people, and their visit was much needed to make this resolution possible. Like I said in the beginning about when things go wrong how do you respond, they made it right by flying to most of us to get these ECU to be plug and play as discussed.

  • Was it plug and play, NO! Is it now, YES!
  • Does the car feel like it got +40 hp and +50 TQ- YES!
  • Is there a language barrier, YES! But we got everything resolved.
  • Would I do it again, YES! I am a JUBU customer for life as long as I have a Lotus! Their passion, knowledge, expertise with Lotus and their OCD resonates with me!
  • On top of shipping cost with them, is there a customs fee, YES! Mine was $191 its all based on total value of products, I got the ECU plus there cooling system (Have not installed this will update once I do)
  • Is there an ECU learning curve, YES! But should not be like we experienced at all, this is only to adjust to altitude and temperatures.

SIDE NOTE- When they were here, I discussed other group buys with them for all their parts and they said yes, once they get back to Austria, they will send me a list of items and group buy level and discounts. I will make another forum on parts they offer.

For those ready for next group buy on 440 please DM me so I can get a new list together. Your experience won't be like us guiea pigs, as they now know the CAN data issues.

Hope this novel :ROFLMAO: was informative and if anyone has questions feel free to ask!
TLDR = it was rough to be in the first batch, but you’re happy with the performance increase and responsiveness from JUBU. You feel the next round of buyers won’t suffer from the same issues.

How’d I do?
Wow thank you so much! I feel the same way, now on my phone but reply later what I feel and see. I just got an email from Martin and that he will help me out. He also told me I have the new firmware upgrade; its not that bad for me except the throttle response and sound.

Thank you so much for the help and support
@hellasf1 I liked your novel. Reads well with all those plots and twists. :) Glad to see it had a happy ending for us. Hope the remaining customers get a similar experience to ours. Cheers!
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  • #94
TLDR = it was rough to be in the first batch, but you’re happy with the performance increase and responsiveness from JUBU. You feel the next round of buyers won’t suffer from the same issues.

How’d I do?
Yes absolutely! I will probably go to the 460 at some point and then my wallet will say that’s enough lol…that 500 plus kits is tempting but 460 with weight reduction I think will be the perfect combo over time for 90% of people.

If you’re interested in the next round just DM me!
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  • #96

Do you happen to know how the tune works for the member from California? We have considerably worse gas here (ACN91).
Not yet we will get more updates for those that are tuned for 91 which should be the remaining 2 members they are visiting this week.

They have others with 91 with no issues with the right CAN data so I’m sure it will be fine. They can also set different fuels for different modes.

Example you can run 91 in Tour and Sport and if you track it you can do 93 for track mode if you can get it for track days or if you go to another state on a trip.
Great write-up. Been there done that before (not with someone from another country) with a different car. If I read that write, there's a new ECU coming from Syvecs in January-ish? Are you guys going to get that no charge?
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  • #99
Great write-up. Been there done that before (not with someone from another country) with a different car. If I read that write, there's a new ECU coming from Syvecs in January-ish? Are you guys going to get that no charge?
No it’s just an update that will be able to be done remotely which is great!
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  • #100
Any info if this can be sold later and installed in another car...or are they tied together?
Great question I think we got the answer and it was no but let me get more clarification with them and circle back on this before I confirm an answer.

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