LOL yeah I'm active, just not as active as before. I've greatly reduced my engagement with the forum mostly for my health and sanity, but I check in now and then to see how everybody's doing.
To my great disappointment and surprise, after several inquiries, there hasn't been a single communication back from KEF after that initial first contact. I never would have expected that kind of lack of response from a company with the pedigree of KEF. I honestly have no idea what's going on there. You would think since this is the debut of their entry into the automotive market, they would at least be somewhat interested in talking to their customer base about it. If they are communicating, it certainly isn't with me.
Everything about this car seems to be like something out of Area 51 or the Lockheed Skunkworks. It may exist, it does exist, it may show up, it may not show up. The word "soon" was found etched in a strange looking material out in the desert, and it doesn't appear to be like anything known to man....
(In the voice of Rod Serling) "A remarkably plain and ordinary looking door with the word "Customer Service" on it. Upon entry, there's a lone person behind a desk. All inquiries are welcome, they just won't be acknowledged. And if pressed, they may be acknowledged... soon. If you do get any actual information, it's not likely to be accurate."
I want to make a complaint. "That office is down the hall." The only door down the hall is marked "Complaints and arguments". Once inside... Is this the Complaints and Arguments department? "No, it isn't" But it says so on the door! "No it doesn't".
I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs....I don't remember falling down a rabbit hole.... I think I'm awake... it doesn't feel like I'm dreaming... and yet it seems like I'm on some kind of trip here. How did this happen?
The normal rules of the universe seem to be warped and non-functioning with this car, this company, and anything associated with it. This is the strangest car forum I've ever encountered. People are going through various stages of agony, some bordering on toxic denial. A very few have gotten their fix, and have the idiot grin of the satiated on their face, but everyone else is in various states of.... something. It seems nearly impossible to quit. Some are trying, but they keep coming back. Some are curled up on the sidewalk, asleep. Some are staggering around raging at no one in particular, or maybe just the sky. Some are sitting with their back against the wall, muttering in a low voice to no one. If you lean close enough to hear what they're saying, they seem to be repeating the same word... "emira". The car seems to incur a bizarre obsession with detail like nothing else I've ever seen. I know more details about this car than my own actual car I've had for the last 5 years. Why?? What the hell have they given us?
I went down the hall and looked, but there's no door with the word KEF on it. The only other door has an EXIT sign above it, but when you open it, it's the entrance you walked through in the first place. Why is Hotel California playing continuously on the sound system?? Help MEEEEE.