Some good questions there, i`d suggest maybe emailing them to the customer service team before you go so they can give you the answers when you are there. I doubt they`ll know if you ask them on the tour. He`s very knowledgeable but, as you`d expect, knows what he knows and the more oblique questions he wasn`t sure off.
I did ask whether it`s true the Japanese I6 has 400bhp, was told he didn`t know
As for the box, my memory isn`t the best, sorry. So much else to look at as well

But they take a diesel gearbox as the standard one can`t hold the power and strip out 3 (or 4) gears to make way for their own spec. These give it a closer gear ratio and more like what Lotus wanted than what a diesel box provides. Yes, as mentioned above, there is a cooling circuit for the box as well.
One of the main things that was clear from a conversation is just how hard they are still working to fine tune the final bits. The issue they have is that they still have the ability to change items that they aren`t happy with. I`d expect that a normal build/company has it locked down ages ago but they can still play. For example they mentioned they weren`t 100% happy with the seat base foam so are still playing with that for the final production. The seat design was sorted but the final touches not.
It`s a bit like us where we have just too much choice and it actually causes more problems than just having a couple of options

They really do care, it`s just a shame their comms don`t reflect what a job they are doing.
I should be in the first couple of batches with the I4 but they are very tight lipped on when that might be. Totally understandable. I might go back again for another tour once they are in full production. Every production area has 17min to finish their part. As there are many processes going on at the same time they estimate a car can be made in 10 hours.