I clearly dont know, as I dont know much of anything, but I would be guessing the GT edition is probably already engineered, as they have had a lot of time, it is very much related to the Evora 430 as you say and they have been pretty quick to get the GT4 out there already.
Lets be honest, the "gt" version would not take much work so I would be 90% it will come and probably much sooner than people are thinking. I'd say it will be announced next year, hence released in 2039...par for the course, but seriously it will be out in 2023 I am sure, I am willing to wager on it!
However, will another 30 HP and another 400 rpm make all the difference, and worth waiting another 18 months for? I dont think so, not unless you like spoilers and spoiler alert, I certainly dont

. GT3 Touring all the way........... RS = Really Stupid
You can also buy credits for emissions, telsa sells them all the time.... not sure if brexit has screwed that up or not. The AMG may also compensate and allow a more CO2 contaminating, planet ruining V6 to be made and after all, unlike the FE, the gt will surely surely, not so sure, be limited, so should not be a problem.
For what its worth, back in Spain now, thats my lot..... My IONIC 5, slept in it, was great and a relatively easy 1200 odd miles....