My previous assumption was that the seatbelt was installed correctly, and from your picture it doesn't appear that it is. If the end inside the B pillar has to be installed in the orientation in the photo, then that belt should be on the other side of the car. In order for the belt to lay properly in the photo, the top would have to be rotated 180° clockwise so the belt would lay flat across your body and not twist like that.For clarity: when stating that seatbelt failed I am referring to that it was completely non functional.
I was repeatedly told by Lotus that the initial replacement seatbelts would be an uprated part (I probably posted as much elsewhere when I highlighted the problem). However It turns out this was a ‘miss communication”. After one of the replacements failed in exactly the same way I was told the issue was actually caused by the seatbelts being incorrectly installed. According to Lotus the belt was installed on the wrong side of the car because “there is no clear way knowing from visual inspection” which side they go on - their words. So the issue was not down to a defective part.
My only reason for raising was to this was to highlight that having a twisted belt appears to mean it is correctly installed. In my experience if the belt sits flush it is actually fitted on the wrong side of the car. Although that assumes the twists are the same as I have.
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Lotus saying there's no way from visual inspection to tell which side they go on isn't true. You can tell by which direction the blade points. Coming up out of the B pillar and through the loop at the top, with the belt flat, the blade should be pointing inward towards the middle of the car. You shouldn't have to twist it around like it is in your photo.
Look at the photo below. On the right side of the photo, the belt coming up out of the B pillar is flat, and note the direction the blade is pointing. This belt is installed correctly on the correct side.
On page 30 of their own manual, it shows the way the belt is supposed to lay across the drawing of the woman, and it also clearly states in the first warning that the belt is not supposed to be twisted.