There have been so many variables, since cars started getting delivered, from the initial CARB cert delays to the bridge collapse, that dock to dealer times have varied widely and wildly. For me, I feel I got extremely lucky in many ways. The boat carrying my Emira docked in Baltimore May 13. It was the first boat with Emiras let through after the bridge collapse was partially cleared, so my car didn't experience the additional delay of arriving in Newark and having to be trucked to Baltimore. My dealer in So Cal received the car on June 1, so this was about 3 weeks. For others at that time, the wait was much longer, as I saw times up to 2 months or maybe more. For reference, there were 113 US-destined Emiras on the boat carrying my Emira on May 13, so on the high side compared to other arrivals, possibly making my wait a bit longer. Now that things have settled down, I would say 2 weeks is possible with 3-4 weeks a more realistic expectation to avoid disappointment.