Now for those who say Lotus should not say / communicate anything until there is something to communicate, I also disagree.
Any relationship, even a business one like ours as customers with the provider Lotus is based on communication.
I would still be married if our communication was better, and if she didn't gain 20 kilos, wasnt unfaithful, an alcoholic and was a better time keeper, but the main thing is always communication.
A family relationship, any partnership, all and any relationships function by or are improved by good communication, EVEN if sometimes that communication is "pointless" and goes nowhere, its still communication, it still shows you care and mean something to the other side of the relationship.
I think we are all feeling as if we mean nothing to Lotus and thats a shame as its a negative in the relationship which should be a positive and this relationship should be nurtured so that we enjoy our Lotus experience (tomorrow) and that we talk about Lotus and recommend Lotus and buy from Lotus again.
Hence, Lotus do really need to pull their fingers out and start treating their customers as important parts in their plans as without us, they will fail and Hethel will lose its factory and jobs as Geeeeeeeleyyy will soon find out if customers and journalists are unhappy and they will not hesitate in shaking the whole thing up, its certainly what I would be doing.
Anyway, no more ribbing Lotus as I am now 10 mins away from there and looking forward to driving the damn EMIRA tomorrow !!!... Dont you guys ruin my day... telling me Hethel locals things Lotus is full of pitch fork farmers, or that Matt W could not get wet if he fell in a pond, I need positivity !!!...
Having said that, I for one will 100% write a polite but scathing email next week to said Matt W if no communication comes from lotus CS (coming soon) next week and I suggest everyone who complains on this forum (like me) does the same as complaining amongst ourselves maybe makes us feel better but it gets us nowhere, as we are nowhere. So lets take some small action and all get in touch with Lotus and not just to CS, be brave and go for the big guns.
Anyway soon time for bed as its a big full LOTUS DAY tomorrow. I'd say I cant wait, but from what I have heard its only about 1.5 hours in the cars during the 8 hours on site, which is a bit poor for 1000 squid, but hey ho, im here, may as well do it

(no, ive never been married)