Alarm going off for no reason

Ahh, what about the trunk? Have you ever gotten the red warning light that the trunk is open? Might be worth opening and closing it to double check. My trunk latch was faulty and my alarm would go off bc of it
Hi - that's interesting - my CTEK lead runs under the boot lid of course and now that I have unplugged the charger the alarm hasn't gone off for 2 days - maybe it was enough pressure on the latch to trigger the alarm - can you share any more insight on the faulty latch or was that simply how it was described? Thanks
Hi - that's interesting - my CTEK lead runs under the boot lid of course and now that I have unplugged the charger the alarm hasn't gone off for 2 days - maybe it was enough pressure on the latch to trigger the alarm - can you share any more insight on the faulty latch or was that simply how it was described? Thanks
Sure since I got the car opening and closing the trunk was finicky. Sometimes it would open and others times it would get stuck whether I closed it soft or hard. Most times when I would drive and I would accelerate or hit a bump the red warning light would come telling me the trunk was open when it was not.

Fast forward when I was on vacation the car was parked in the driveway at my air bnb and in the middle of the night the alarm goes off and I had trouble closing it. I knew it was the trunk as the rear tail lights were not turning off when I closed the trunk. My theory is that the trunk was caught on the first latch but not the second (main latch) so in the middle of the night it gave and the car thought it was open so it went off.

I ended up taking it to the dealer and they said it was a faulty latch and changed it. Since then it’s been perfect and no more alarms in the middle of the night!
Sure since I got the car opening and closing the trunk was finicky. Sometimes it would open and others times it would get stuck whether I closed it soft or hard. Most times when I would drive and I would accelerate or hit a bump the red warning light would come telling me the trunk was open when it was not.

Fast forward when I was on vacation the car was parked in the driveway at my air bnb and in the middle of the night the alarm goes off and I had trouble closing it. I knew it was the trunk as the rear tail lights were not turning off when I closed the trunk. My theory is that the trunk was caught on the first latch but not the second (main latch) so in the middle of the night it gave and the car thought it was open so it went off.

I ended up taking it to the dealer and they said it was a faulty latch and changed it. Since then it’s been perfect and no more alarms in the middle of the night!
That's really useful info thanks. I reckon that may be my issue. Clue is the lights not going off as well. Thanks for taking the time to reply.
Think I’ve got a similar thing going on.. just upset the neighbours with a random alarm at 11pm… went to look at it, doors and windows were fine… checked the boot and the left side was a little raised and not flush with the body.. the right seemed fine.. so I guess that’s why it went off?

I’ve also had the Amber boot warning light flash up a few times whilst driving the last 2 days… maybe something is going wrong? Or maybe I need to just smash the boot closed harder?
Scorpion tracker app was showing voltage as 12.3v before and 12.6v after I left it running a while, so has made a bit of a difference. If alarm goes off again I will go for a spin instead :)
Hmm mine is showing 12.1v currently… is that considered ‘worryingly’ low?
The Scorpion Tracker voltage seems to vary with no Rhyme or reason to it. It was showing 12.4v when I left the house, went for a 50-60mile drive, got back and it was showing 12.2v. The next morning showing 12.6v.
I'm not sure you can really trust the accuracy of it at all

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