Spend the day watch shopping. You can’t take it with you. The first time you see one in the wild, prob at you work place, you’ll hate your gt4. That’s all I got.So this is my dilemma...
I've not had the call yet but expect my November delivery to be bounced back to Jan/Feb at best.
My gt4 is not selling easily, it looks like I'm going to take a fairly sizable financial hit selling it in the winter. It's currently on a 6% pcp deal
So I sell my gt4 now, take the hit and then come Feb time when my emira lands and lotus have put the rate up to 10-11% in line with porsche (lotus CS has already stated its under review) and the emira will likely come out near 50% more a month than my gt4, as much as I want the emira and its a great chance to be in one of the first cars (well other than the rest of the world that have been supplied first) that's a hard pill to swallow. I really can't decide what to do
I don't even think with the way things are going there'll be much to gain by flipping the emira.
And all this is assuming the FE list price doesn't increase.